Hello Monday!
Well, it's been a cold and snowy weekend here. Today it is about 8 degrees where I live. It makes it feel like Christmas. I still have not got a tree up or anything, but that's okay. This year we have so much to be celebrating and thankful for. This weekend has been a hard weekend for Ty. When you have a stem cell transplant they tell you that you are literally going to the brink of death. They are not lying. On Sunday, I went to the hospital and I walked into the BMT unit (bone marrow transplant). I noticed that on the board that lists the patients and who their nurse is for the day that Ty has TWO nurses for the day. That was a first and both of them were male so I knew he must need extra help. I went to open his door and noticed a big sign that said- due to risk of falling patient cannot get up unassisted. He was asleep and I did not want to wake him. I could tell that he has lost even more weight. He has not been able to eat and when he has the little he eats... he can't keep down. So today he will be getting a feeding tube. His platelets were down so they had to give him platelets yesterday. He has a fever too so they are testing him for an infection. This counts are at ZERO so he has no ability to fight any infection. The doctors told him to just "do nothing." They know he is just too weak. We were told that it would get really bad but day by day it would slowly get better. He has had a fever since Saturday, which of course is always concerning. I know that right now he is sleeping alot and that is good for him. He is well taken care of. This gives me great comfort.
I am just so thankful for the HUGE amount of support from our church family and neighbors too. Yesterday, I went to church with my two sons. Everyone loves my husband. They all asked about him. They are praying for him and they are so supportive to our family. I just felt such peace and love and honestly, I pray all the time. I will tell you fighting CANCER is not for wimps. I have the deepest respect for anyone who is has or is fighting this battle. This experience has changed me in so many ways.
So today on MY CRAFT CHANNEL I did a MERRY & BRIGHT banner. You can download here for free:
I hope you have a WONDERFUL Monday.