I saw this layout that LESLIE ASHE designed for the design team with my new release- YOU ARE MY HAPPY... and I had to smile. I love it!!!!!!
Then yesterday my daughter emailed me and we got to chat for an hour going back and forth in emails. McKay is just one of the sweetest girls and her example to me is HUGE. We are really close and even though she is away on her mission, we have found that letters and emails really have kept us connected. I admit, I send her alot of care packages. I mostly send her tights, Essie nail polish (they have the BEST colors), and a few treats.
Yes, I sent her a Halloween package. This is her and her companion wearing the "fangs" that I sent. I wanted her companion to know how much I appreciated her sweetness to McKay so I sent the box to both of them.
I loved that she sent a photo with the goodies I sent the girls. Can you see where I sent her photos? That is the ONE thing she asks for over and over. She likes to see photos of the family. I am so super proud of her and love her weekly updates. She is my "clumsy" girl and each week her stories ususally involve her tripping or doing something funny. She is loving the Spanish language and she is doing well with the fluency. I told her that when she gets home I want to take her with me to translate for me. She is only allowed to teach in Spanish and so she is growing and learning so much.
Okay... this THURSDAY I am going to be on GOOD THINGS UTAH channel 4 TV at 9:00 am. I am showcasing HALLOWEEN goodness and HALLOWEEN PARTY items. I have been so busy and it's been hard to go on as regular, but I'm going to start going on back more.
Yesterday, so many of signed up for my workshops at SCRAPBOOK ISLAND. THANK YOU! Laurie emailed me and asked if the class was sold out or if we could add more spots. So don't hesistate... I told her she could add more spots. I am not sure how long or how many spots are left now at this point.
I realized I never showed the COVER of the 2nd workshop- YOU ARE MY HAPPY...
I showed the inside pages, but not the cover. So me!!!! I added MORE to the book after I photographed it. So join me at the ISLAND for lots of fun. I wanted to cry when she told me how many people had signed up yesterday and I knew we needed to open up more spots. THANK YOU so much everyone!!!!!
Here is the links to the three workshops:
You Are My Happy: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=bczfqibab&oeidk=a07e8cfgrp99f3b3ff2
Christmas December 25: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=bczfqibab&oeidk=a07e8cfgs1s93e75bcb
I wanted to share a little personal sweetness. Every day I am asked how Ty and I are doing. It's such a hard question. Ty is really weak and has a hard time walking due to how weak he is. I have to force him to eat (every meal). He spents most of the time in bed and is always home at this time. His counts are very low right now and we cannot risk another infection.
Yesterday, I made a pot roast with potatoes and carrots in the crock pot. I knew he did not want to eat, but I talked him into it. It was fabulous too!!! He had come downstairs to eat with us. Taylor is here working on his billing still, so she joined us for dinner. I know it's something so small, but I loved that we got to eat together.
After dinner, I was working on some upcoming products with FISKARS (so excited feeling so blessed) and Ty stayed downstairs and sat on the couch. I was working away and he asked me when I planned to go to bed. I kept asking him why and finally I realized that he was waiting for me. He just wanted to be with me. So we went to bed and I rubbed his lower back for over 30 minutes. He has pain in his lower back that is intense and I press really hard trying to keep his mind off of it and hopefully relax him. We watched the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and we laughed together. It was such a simple moment and yet I felt such deep gratitude and JOY that we were together. I know that I am his cheerleader right now. I remind him daily that we can do this... it's definitely a battle. I am so lucky that I am the blessed one that gets to serve more, love more and help him more... my best friend. I hate this has happened to him, but how grateful I am that God has given me Tyler to love and support.