I have a little addiction. It's called QUOTES. I love to be empowered and inspired by words. I especially love ones that capture feelings from within my heart.
Like this one. I sent this for my cute husband. I really feel this way. I feel the same way for my children. How can mere words describe the feelings we have in our hearts for those that we love.
Okay... don't we all feel this way too? I hate good bye hugs... (avoid them like the plague) but OH how I LOVE to hug my kids and husband. Yes, my boys have been know to RUN away from me.
Just love these... wanted to share!
I really appreciated this today. HOT PICK- CHA Summer 2013. http://www.scrapbookupdate.com/2013/08/12/cha-summer-2013-hot-pick-teresa-collins/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ScrapbookUpdate+%28Scrapbook+Update%29
I really appreciated all the kind encouragement. I am so thankful!!!! I am honored to be in the CHA TOP TEN HOT PICKS. It is something I truly appreciate and take to heart.