I had so many photos and I wanted to share more of them with you today.
I was so lucky in that my room that I taught in had this BEAUTIFUL view- look at all the windows. I loved the natural lighting. Look at all the smiling happy cute girls!!!
This was the PINK class. They were my very first class (thanks for putting up with me!) and then my very last workshop. I really enjoyed each of the groups.
The girls were always busy busy. This was the Far & Away Travel workshop. I loved how many girls brought their photos. Many girls completed their entire albums with photos within the 3 hours. IMPRESSIVE!!!
So many birthday girls were in attendance. I have to say that would be a great way to spend your special day. Next year, I will remember to bring some extra prizes.
After the event was over, we went to the Onehunga meeting house to go to church. Oh my... I absolutely loved going there. It was a Polynesian English speaking ward. It was truly a wonderful experience for us. Some of the men wore lava lava's. I had never seen this before.
She enjoyed Sunday afternoon with Staci and went into the bush to explore with Staci on mountain bikes. I stayed at the hotel and read for a bit. I find I am too busy at home to read much so I like to do this in the hotel to relax.
Sunday night was a special dinner hosted by MAGGIE at her beautiful home. LOVED her little Meg!!!! We had the most delicious food and I'm definitely loving Hokey Pokey Ice Cream. I am so thankful that they don't have it in the US or I would eat it way too often and too much.
This was the group photo of Heidi Swapp, Donna Downey, Maggie, and the event coordinators Jodi and Michele. Honestly, I had the best time. I am so inspired by these girls and really enjoyed getting to hang out with them. We had a GREAT time. Jodi and Michele went above and beyond to make us feel welcome, feed and showed us around New Zealand. I can't wait to go back!!!!
We really had some fun times together. We have many of the teachers assistants in this photo. They were AWESOME. Wow, can I please have them come help me in every class? I was spoiled. I really appreciated them so very much. It makes a huge difference to have the help.
I really loved this thoughtful gift from the event hosts. I really loved it and I love this reminder of NZ. So many girls gave us the most thoughtful gifts. It was just so sweet.
I got to hang out with these three fun girls. Seriously, they are FUN! Michele, Donna Downey and Michelle. I really enjoyed each of them. Donna is so funny! We had a nice car ride through NZ. Everywhere we looked we saw sheep. It was breathtaking.
This was Monday afternoon. We had a wonderful "last lunch" together by the ocean. I ate fish and chips and loved it. It was a perfect day. It has stopped raining and it was sunny and warm.
I am going to post even more photos tomorrow. Guess what? I leave on Thursday for Puerto Rico. Yes, in less than two days-
I am feeling back to myself and this will be a 2 hour time difference for me. However, it's a long day for me to get to the event- all day Thursday. I am so thankful for a husband that supports me. My entire family does and I really appreciate them. I try to take someone from my family with me when I travel. I think it's important for them to know what I am doing and WHY it matters.