I wanted to share about the FABULOUS event that I went to last week. I flew to Richmond, Virginia to teach at the Scrapdoodles event. It was held here...
Yes, there were more buildings like this one. It was so colonial and gorgeous. The estate was absolutely stunning and it was the BEST food ever... I mean ever... at the event. Yes, they had a buffet daily for the event. These were unlike ANY events I have ever attended. Maybe it was the grits that they served at breakfast? I was in heaven. I thought I would gain weight, but I didn't and that makes it even better.
This is Cheryl. She is the store manager. We are honestly so much alike that we just "click." We had a lot in common and I loved her spirit. Her attention to detail and sweetness to everyone at the event was truly heartwarming. I found the event to be a true inspiration to me. I loved walking the crop and talking to the crafters. These girls were super friendly and kept thanking me for coming. YES, I can't wait to go back!!!!!
I have to share what happened to me Friday morning. I always seem to have the BEST travel stories. I was going through airport security in SLC and of course took off my zip up boots. I once again was searched because of my "blingy" butt jeans. This literally happens EVERY time I go to the airport.
I gathered my belonging and went to the bench to put my boots back on. As I zipped up my left side boot the zipper broke. I sat there and thought, "What can I do now?" I had no other shoes in my carry on. I thought of all the stores at the airport and realized none of them had shoes for sale. So I decided to "pretend" that my boot dragging on the floor was something that I didn't notice. You may wonder... Why did she just not tuck her boot in her pant leg? Well, I was wearing my "skinny jeans" and yes, the pants were way too tight to allow the boots to fit underneath them.
So I walked to the gate and sat down promptly. I wanted to go buy water, but I was noticing I was getting stares. ha! I was so thankful to board the plane. The flight attentant looked down and said "Oh dear, your boot is broke." We talked about how there was no shoes in the airports. Maybe somebody should do this as a business.
After I arrived in Detroit, I was getting off the plane when I got another weird look from an airport worker. I have to admit, it was uncomfortable with all the stares that I was getting. So I went into the restroom and decided to take off my boots and throw them away. I had on long thick black socks so I don't think it was as noticeable. Yes, I boarded the plane in socks and arrived and met Cheryl in Richmond in my socks. Ha ha... it was really just one of those days and I added another funny travel story to my growing list.
I was really thankful for all these amazing women who came to the workshops. Thankful for sold out classes and for those women who drove several hours to come. I was really touched by the stories and felt inspired in so many ways. I feel like I gain so much more than I will ever be able to give.
This is Oprah and Gayle. Yes, they had me laughing and enjoying what FRIENDSHIP truly is. I loved their humor and kindness. I even loved that Gayle knew so much about me. I was beyond flattered.
I wish I could have taken a photo of everyone at the event. They were the sweetest girls. I felt at home and I bought a huge stash of American Craft Alphabet Thickers!!!! Scrapdoodles is an amazing store and event. Their events sell out fast so if you want to go- contact them to get on their waiting list. I can't wait to go again.
Now for some family news... I am happy to share that Zach made the high school baseball team. Zach found out Friday. When he went to pick up his jersey he was told that he will be playing on the Varsity team, JV and Sophmore. He is a 9th grade Freshman. I am super excited that they noticed his hard work and dedication. I will be at LOTS of baseball games. Good thing I love the game.
Here he is wearing his new practice wear. He is 15 years old and is now much taller than all of us girls.
Well, this week is so emotional for me. We will find out tomorrow or Thursday where McKay will be going on her mission. The letter is in the mail and we are all excited to see where McKay will serve for the next 18 months. We are going to videotape McKay reading the letter and I am going to post it here on my blog and on my facebook.