This weekend has been NONSTOP on the times, memories and celebrations!
McKay turned 18 years old this past Friday!!!!!!
She got a lot of "essentials" for college. She will start in a little over a month at BYU! I wrapped everything in her favorite color- BLUE.
Taylor and Gentry came over and helped me with the BIG surprise party that we were throwing for her on Friday night. She thought she was going on a double date with Gentry and Devan. *YES, McKay does this with her tongue ALL the time. When I was younger...I did too.
Gentry stole her crown and this is kind of a Gentry thing to do at someone else's birthday in our family. So funny!!!!!!
I am a crazy mom with the camera and I always make sure that I have photos with my kids. It's important!!!!!
This was taken about an hour after the BIG surprise party started. McKay walked in and was in shock. Lots more of her friends came after this photo. I arranged to have the party at my friends Sesil's business- JUMP AROUND UTAH (1519 S 700 W. SLC). Oh my... the kids loved it and we played fun music and they dimmed the lights too.
I am so thankful for JOSILYN (center) who hand delivered all the invitations and created a face book post to invite everyone. Taylor did a little "dress up" station where they would dress up and write messages to McKay on the dry erase board.
Yes, I love the kids having a GREAT TIME!!!!!
Friends came and supported her- she has been blessed with so many good friends.
The huge jumping mat was the BEST!!!!!!!! *thankfully, NO one got hurt. It is the perfect location to have parties.
So thankful that Taylor took all the photos and helped so much.
Here we are... mom and three daughters!!!!!! *we were in the dark after the party started!
It was truly so much fun!!!!! Oh, and there are a TON more photos on FACEBOOK that you can check out there.
MOTHER'S DAY... I am truly just having the BEST DAY today with my kids. We went to church and then we have been home all day together. Ty took care of all the cooking and I had a little 45 minute afternoon nap outside (it was a gorgeous day!). My boys made me the sweetest sign and gifts and red roses.
They stayed up past midnight to do the poster and wrap gifts after I went to bed. I was really touched. They did it all by themselves.
Yes, this is what you get from a 13 and 14 year teenage boys!!!! I want to keep it FOREVER.
Zach made this heart accordion garland. It was so well made and cute!
I was a little cold in the house and went outside and fell asleep wrapped with my blanket. Taylor came and took photos. ha!
The cute roses were slumped over that the boys gave me. They got them from the Dollar Store last night. I LOVE THIS so much! I love that my two boys thought to give me flowers. I am wearing my leopard blanket...just up from a nap!!!! It was posted on facebook and my friend Amy thought I was wearing a cape.
Taylor and Spencer gave me the sweetest book on uplifting quotes. Gentry and McKay surprised me with a skirt that I loved that Gentry already has. Gentry is working hard at Black House/White Market and gets a nice discount. It was just so thoughtful and I felt so loved today. More than anything, it is having my kids with me that means MORE to me than anything.
I hope if you are a mother that you had a wonderful day too!!!!!!