Go watch the video. I am excited that SWEET AFTERNOON is now available in stores. Yes, they had it in Portugal. More tomorrow.... oh, so happy to be back with my family!
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Go watch the video. I am excited that SWEET AFTERNOON is now available in stores. Yes, they had it in Portugal. More tomorrow.... oh, so happy to be back with my family!
Posted at 05:29 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted at 05:38 AM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
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I am leaving in a couple of hours. I am flying to Paris France and then on to Lisbon, Portugal to teach at an amazing event. This is where I will be going...
This is the city of Lisbon, Portugal. This is my first trip to Portugal and I am looking forward to sightseeing tomorrow. Then I will be teaching classes with Everyday Moments over the weekend.
I always get asked how it works when you travel and teach at international locations. It is definitely a different experience. I send over my instructions weeks prior so that they instructions can be translated into their language. I printed color copies of every page in my projects so that each student has a visual to look at. This is always appreciated and helpful.
Most events provide a translator when I teach. I will talk and then they will translate it for the class. I admit, this is sometimes harder for ME since I like to talk too much. ha! However, I love teaching and am truly thankful to be able to do what I do. I will say that I have found that EVERYWHERE I go there is always a common thread and similarity. We are all woman (and yes- men) who want to CELEBRATE and LOVE our family and preserve our moments...memories in a creative way!
Off to finish packing. Long day of traveling ahead...
Posted at 09:55 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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*note- this used to be a ring and now it is on the outside of my agenda book.
You can watch the show now at www.mycraftchannel.com.
I wanted to show you what Taylor has been creating this past weekend. I am often asked if my girls scrapbook too. Taylor is now officially a crafter!!!! She loves to get my class kits and she likes to do all kinds of crafty things. She borrowed my YUDU and made shirts for a special MS walk to help raise money for the cause. You see her mother in law has MS. She loves her so much and wanted to do something to help. Taylor wanted to thank all of you who donated. The race is this coming weekend and now the "team" will have custom made shirts designed and created by Taylor.
A huge special thanks to PROVO CRAFT and Shannon for donating all the supplies and materials.
The shirts drying....
She did double sided shirts-
Posted at 12:10 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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Oh yes, today is Gentry's birthday. She is 20 years old today! Silly me... I am emotional- in a good way.
She is now done with two years of college and starts her Summer job this week at Black House White Market in the mall. She also works for me and that is something I really love and appreciate. I have seen her grow into a woman in the last year. College seems to have a way of maturing our kids. (or at least we hope!) Gentry's roommate got engaged last night...and she was asked to be a bridesmaid in August.
Danielle (left) is getting married and we are excited for her.
Gentry and Carlee (left) have become great friends this year and I love that she has LOVED her second year at college so much.
Happy Happy Birthday today Gentry... I am so fortunate and blessed that God gave me you!!!!
I am thankful for you and love you so very much.
Yesterday we went to Matt and Kayla's and had a BIG party for our little 2 year old Maxson. I took over 70 photos and if we are friends on facebook I have them ALL there. I wanted to share my most favorite here.
Kayla did a yellow color theme since this is Maxsons favorite color.
I thought it was so beautiful! I especially loved how she added the photos with Maxson in the white frames.
Our silly photo... missing McKay and Seth (they both had to work).
Okay... a more serious photo with the dog in view and Spencer closing his eyes. I LOVE it even more!!!!
Maxson loves CARS, TRUCKS, and BALLS... basketball. Love this!
Gentry holding little Zellie... look at her SWEET legs. Babies are SHEER heaven. Somehow she just gets cuter and cuter.
Blowing out the birthday candles on his cupcake-
The little boy in blue is Benson. He is Maxson's best friend. I loved it when he saw one of Maxson's new gifts and he said, " I NEED IT!" in a two year old voice. It was so cute and funny!!!!
They move to CA for SIX MONTHS tomorrow. Saying goodbye to them was so hard. So thankful for FACETIME and SKYPE.
We got him this little basketball hope and he LOVED it!!!!
What a great day with my family and friends....
Posted at 12:08 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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I woke up early this morning with so much comfort. I was lucky enough to have beautiful dreams with mom in them. I did not want to wake up. It is a club you don't want to be in- but if you are- the one that you lost your mom or dad. It brings me peace to be with her again even if it's only in my dreams. I am thankful for those "tender mercies". I think about my mom every day and I know that she is still with me. So today I woke up feeling thankful for dreams with my mom. So thankful!
Yesterday was Matt's graduation. I have so many photos but for now I'll post just a couple:
I am so proud of him. I know it is hard to get through college and do all that he has done at the same time. He is a wonderful father, husband and son. Most importantly he is a very KIND person. Yes, many of you know that Matt is my "step" son. I don't use this term. He is just my son. However, if I have to explain it.. I always say I have "bonus" children. I have loved Matt from the first time I met him. He was 11 years old. He came to live with us when he was in Jr. High School- 12 years old. I never tried to replace his mother. She is a great person. I admire her and I see the goodness that shines in Matt because of her. So with love and acceptance, he came into my life. Matt was always a good kid. We only got into ONE argument in all those years of living together. He was in 12th grade and had a little attitude. Ha! It was so small when I look back at it. I decided early that I was not going to try to be "his mother" and but love him as if I was. He was so easy to love and he has been the BEST role model for our family. We all just got along. Ty and I had two children together- Zach and Ty. Matt could have been jealous or resentful. He was never that way...he loved the boys and would play, tease, and harass (yes, he tortured the girls and boys relentlessly!!!).
When I teach everyone is always confused about our family situation. Yes, we have SEVEN children. I think it is because they think Matt is mine, but with the age of Matt, I would have had Matt in Jr. High- ha! However, I am so thankful that he is mine now and that our family- our little Brady Bunch family... broken at first...we took all those pieces...his/ mine and ours and we created a beautiful family. I am so fortunate to have both Matt and Seth. I could not ask for more.
I know that Kayla is super excited that FINALLY he has graduated. They have been together for 4.5 years ++++ and married for 2.5 years++++ now. I had to not cry when we took some of the photos yesterday. Matt, Kayla and the babies. It filled my heart with love for them and realizing how much they have to look forward to.
A few photos that Gentry took on her phone. Matt is in the BIG SCREEN getting his diploma. Watch for a post with lots of photos coming soon.
Today we are headed to celebrate Maxson. He turns 2 at the end of the month but they are moving to CA for the next six months. (matt's job). My heart is sad to see them go. Today we will celebrate. Then again tomorrow because it's Gentry's birthday and she is officially HOME!
Whew...what a weekend!!!!!
I'll leave today with this darling layout. It makes me smile!!!!
Sweet afternoon by Stacey Michaud
TC Sweet Afternoon papers, die cuts, Fabrications (trinkets- metal pieces), Spring fling (gems and buttons).
Posted at 08:02 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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TC SWEET AFTERNOON- new mid-release
TC SWEET AFTERNOON... papers, die-cuts, stickers.
I am honored that she is on my team!!!!
Also, another FRIDAY announcement....
Posted at 07:22 AM | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted at 09:47 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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I had an amazing weekend. I flew into Oakland airport and enjoyed a nice ride with Patti and Diana to Brentwood. I absolutely LOVED the town, and the people. I was able to spent a lot of time with the store owners and their customers this weekend. It was just what I needed. I enjoyed and loved every minute of it.
I want to thank Maridette for taking all the beautiful photos for this POST!!!!!
The store had to redo their store to allow for all the students to come and attend the classes. SOLD OUT workshops and I was feeling so humbled and appreciative. The girls had their own CROWN to hold up when they needed to purchase anything and the owners were OVER THE TOP amazing to help everyone!
These crowns are from the TC Cartridge- BABY BOUTIQUE and created by Maridette.
Awww... the store was amazing and beautiful and had the most beautiful samples. Can you see my lines? Posh, Fabrications, and Notations.
I have to laugh at these photos- we arrived to a REALLY breezy windy afternoon. My hair was everywhere and so I embrace the "imperfection" of the hair part.
My fabulous friends Diana and Patti- I have known them for YEARS and I got to know them on a more personal and deeper way this weekend. I am grateful. I was impressed with their friendship, how they work together, the beautiful store that they have together and most important HOW gracious and kind they were to each and every customer. I think everyone feels so welcome. I know I did. They went above and beyond. They even had a huge fruit edible flower waiting for me in my hotel room. It was so great and I quickly told them I could NOT wait until I come again. Good good times!!!!!
I have to thank Danelle and Maridette for their amazing support during my visit and a wonderful yummy dinner on Friday night with the girls.
Loved this project with FABRICATIONS and yes, Maridette used Glimmer Mist to change the fabrications flower to purple. GORGEOUS!!!!!!
Class set up prior to students arriving.
I was happy to be asked to sign a lot of my idea books. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to do the book and it's a treasure to me.
Diana, Patti and I in front of the store. It is so well worth the trip to visit their store. Can you tell I can't wait to visit again? Yes, I enjoyed shopping during my visit. They have items that I had never seen before.
I have MORE photos to post tomorrow from my visit!
However, I wanted to document my family and what the past week in our family. I will start with McKay's photos from Senior Prom. She had a fabulous time with Jake (her friend.)
I know that she has had the best time in high school. Here she is with her besties- Carissa, and Josilyn.
I loved her beautiful blue dress. Here she is with her friend-date, Jake. The background is the city of Salt Lake City.
Aubanie and McKay...drill sisters!!!!
McKay has one more dance this year- Spartonian Ball. Oh, the life of a teenager!
This is the FINAL weeks for Gentry at BYU. She will be coming home this FRIDAY. This year has been wonderful for her. She made so many great friends. I wanted to share some photos from yesterday.
Yes, that is my daughter on Utah Lake in a Kayak. This is her friend Devan.
Gentry, Carlee and friends spent some fun times at the lake yesterday. I LOVE seeing her enjoy being in college and thankful for the friends that she is making.
These are sure to be wonderful lifelong memories.
Now... a BIG BIG thing for our family is this FRIDAY!!!!!
Matt will be graduating with his Business degree from Brigham Young University. We will be there to cheer him on and see him get his well earned diploma. We are so proud of him and how he went to college, served a mission for our church, worked the entire time during college, got married to Kayla and had TWO kids since he graduated from high school.
He is driven and is the most positive person- full of promise and is always happy. You just want to hang out with him!
OKAY... cute PHOTO alert-
Oh, and Gentry has a birthday SUNDAY the big 20!!!!!! Maxson is the following week- he turns 2!!!!!!!
I have much to be thankful for.
Posted at 08:36 AM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
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Check out my show... at www.mycraftchannel.com.
Watch it and then come back and leave a comment. I'll pick a winner to WIN the paper pack full collection of SPRING FLING. WINNER picked tomorrow... have a great day!
Posted at 11:04 AM | Permalink | Comments (38) | TrackBack (0)
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I came home yesterday from my visit to Art Inspired Studio and had decided to be "offline" more the past few days. I had the best time with the Patti and Diana and the girls in Brentwood. I have photos and much more to share. I wanted to focus today on the feelings that are HIGH GEAR in my heart.
I think my blog is my way to express tender feelings of what is real is my life and heart. I met so many girls this weekend who expressed they read my blog every day. I always hope what I share is something that others will understand and in some way make them feel a connection. I want my kids to know me in a different way from my blog. Often there is things that you write that maybe you would not necessary tell someone else- or at least in the same way.
I got home and about two hours later it was time to go to my friend's viewing last night. I was nervous to say the wrong thing to her family and children. I was so thankful that Gentry drove up from Provo to be with me. McKay was also there. I FELT her there. They had a beautiful slideshow and photos EVERYWHERE of her family. I was so happy to SEE that she was in ALL the photo. I would say they had 100 photos. It was surrounded by my beautiful friend. I smiled because I meet too many people who will take photos but NOT let themselves be in the PHOTOS. Don't they realize that they are such a IMPORTANT part of the story????? I loved absorbing the photos in my memory and seeing her full of happiness and life.
It was beautiful and I watched as her son (who is McKays friend) was crying the entire time. He will graduate from high school this year. He expressed how much he loved his mom. I watched my daughter be there for him. I watched as the line was TWO hours to get to the family and casket. She was so loved.
I KNOW that because of HER I believe I am a better person forever. I thought of our time on earth and how short it really is. What is our purpose here? Each day is simply a gift. We have trials and we can use to them to help us grow. She had her trials too. We all do. I know for me personally, my friend will live in my heart and memory forever. I need to always live in the moment and really focus on what is most important. Death is not the end. I rejoice in knowing that we can be with our family and those we love forever.
Last night, Zach came into my bedroom (late- past his bedtime) and had just finished a oral report that he needed to practice. It needed to be 5-7 minutes. Ty was upset that he was not in bed and that he had waiting to get his report done. Ty was trying to give him a lesson on procrastination. Zach asked me to listen to him. I closed my book I was reading and gave him my full attention. He read it to me and I listened intently and I could tell he was happy. I knew that those simple moments of just "being there" are so important. To me, my children are most important. They come before my designing...I want them to always know that.
I know I am writing this today for them...for me...
The funeral is this morning. I should be getting dressed. I am going to miss my sweet friend. I will LOVE her forever. I will be a better mother, friend and wife because of knowing her. I am so thankful to know that she is with God again.
Posted at 09:39 AM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
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Sometimes we just need to allow ourselves to be sad. It's hard for me. I want to be a positive and happy person, and just be grateful every day. However, sometimes things happen that knock us down and make us sad. Sesil came over yesterday and we had a meeting to get to. I was not dressed. Yes, I think she must have thought I was crazy to STILL be in my pink sweatpants. I was just not feeling like my normal self. I felt helpless and sad. I kept thinking of my friend and her family. I then did something dumb and reacted to a situation in the wrong way. I apologized over and over because my heart was heavy thinking I had hurt someone. It was not a good way to start the day.
I was really beating myself up and was thankful that Sesil just let me talk- over and over about how I was feeling. I was just a mess. Finally, I was alone in the house last night. It was quiet and I prayed for comfort and understanding. I needed peace and I needed direction. I needed to try to apologize to someone again, because it was tearing me up inside. I needed to accept it is absolutely okay to grieve and feel sorrow. It is okay to not be happy right now. I had something happen that helped me so much. I started to think of the positive and happy times and how much my friend gave me. Her example will be a constant reminder to me to be MORE like her. I know that I must focus of the goodness that she brought into the life of others. I smiled when I thought of her fun personality. Guess what? It is okay to be sad sometimes too.
I am headed to ART INSPIRED STUDIOS on Friday morning. I know this will be just what I need. I am so blessed to be able to travel and teach. I am grateful! I am so thankful that the viewing for my friend is Sunday evening. I will be home and go with my family. I was worried it would be earlier while I am gone. This makes my heart feel so thankful. I will be flying into OAKLAND and I will be reading a new book on the flight there. "Heaven is here" by Stephanie Nielson. I can't wait to read it. I find her inspirational!
So I thought I would share a BEAUTIFUL, HAPPY layout with my new collection- SWEET AFTERNOON.
Layout designed by our international superstar design team member- Amanda Jones. I love her style.
I really truly appreciate each one of your comments and I read every single one of them. I appreciate hearing from you!
Posted at 11:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
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I should be up and going. I have a meeting in 30 minutes. I am still in my sweats. I found out late last night that my friend had died. I am in shock. I am sad. I am worried for her precious children. She was a young beautiful 44 year old woman. She was my friend. It was unexpected. She died in her sleep.
I'm trying to not be consumed with sadness...but I am. I have to say that I learned so much from my friend. She made me laugh. She used to make fun of the fact that I had 5,000 friends on facebook and could not add more. She would say..."Who has 5,000 friends people?" and one day she joked that I even had "international friends." She did it to make me laugh and how she wanted to be one of my "international friends." She was a light and she was just so fun to be with.
I have know her for over 20 years. I had lost contact with her and then when our kids went to high school- her daughter and Gentry were on the same team. They were friends at 2 years old. How cool is that? I loved reuniting with her. We often talked about our girls, our children and wanting to raise them to be righteous and good people. She has FIVE beautiful children and a husband that adored her.
She was the friend that made you feel like YOU were her very best friend. So I always felt so loved. She made everyone feel this way. She was the girl who when she saw you...she would come over and give you a big HUG. She was that girl...the girl you always wanted to be friends with.
I will miss her. It is a reminder to me that EVERY day is truly a gift. LOVE your children, husband, friends and family...EVERY day tell them that you love them. I hope you will pray for her family. I know these children have lost their best friend. I am grateful to know that she is home again with Heavenly Father- this is what gives me comfort at this sad time.
Posted at 08:54 AM | Permalink | Comments (28) | TrackBack (0)
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I have been thinking a lot about McKay graduating in the next few weeks. As a mother, I wonder if I have prepared her enough. She mentioned today that she wanted to have to learn to budget while she is at school. She wants to track her spending and see where her money is going. I was a little shocked and happy to hear this. I have to say watching Gentry "GROW" in the past two years helps me feel more confident in watching her little sister take the same steps. Why do I not feel ready?
I decided to scrapbook some photos that Gentry took at college. I love the photos from HER perspective!!!! *SWEET AFTERNOON- brads, chipboard, papers. This layout made me realize that as MUCH as I dislike my kids "growing up"- ha... watching them grow and mature makes me happy!
I'm not going to pretend to be ready... for some reason it's made me a little sad to realize that my "baby" girl will be going off to college. I'm sure that is one of the reasons that I'm blogging about it. It's my reality... life... realizing that we work so hard to prepare our children to leave the nest- only to be SAD when the time comes. It is so important to ENJOY each day with our kids. Wow... trust me if you have little ones- it goes by so fast!
Posted at 09:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
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To watch the new show please go to www.mycraftchannel.com. I recently filmed the next eight shows and have really enjoyed sharing and "thinking up" new shows.
Posted at 12:11 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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I am thankful for a great day with my family. It was so nice that Matt's family and Grandma could come and attend church with us today. The weather was amazing and it was perfect for a egg hunt and a little game of "plastic bat" baseball. I am most grateful for the opportunity to go to church and feel uplifted and hear the messages that I know that I needed to hear.
McKay made yummy cupcakes for the family. (target cup cake holders)
Azalea is now 4 months old and 16 lbs. Oh, she is the SWEETEST girl. I can't tell you how sad it will be for us when they leave for six months for Matt's job.
I think I worry that Maxson and Azalea will not know us at all when they come back. Now I know exactly how my mom felt when I was here in Utah and she lived in NC. I now see why she was so sad that we were over 2,000 miles apart when I was started having children. Kayla feels the same way now. Her entire family is in Washington and she really misses them.
They visited the Easter Bunny yesterday and enjoyed a Easter egg hunt.
I have to say that Maxson and "papa" have the greatest relationship. It is so sweet to watch them together. Maxson loves him and goes right to him. I hope that distance will not change their bond. I think SKYPE and FACETIME is essential.
The boys LOVE to play with little Maxson. He will be TWO at the end of this month.
So fun to get the "littles" their first Easter basket. I found these cute felt ones from Target (only $2.50 EACH!!!!). Maxson loved in when he REALIZED there was CANDY inside.
Let's just say the NO SPILL EGG COLORING KIT was not as advertised. It was messy! Still- it was fun.
Maxson is our only little one in the family who found the eggs. Yes, Azalea should be good to go next year!
It was a great day! I hope you had a wonderful Easter too.
I wanted to show you something very cool and artistic by Cheri Piles. She used the NEW SWEET AFTERNOON paper to show how you can take a paper and with the use of paints and ink- change it up!
I love how she made the LAYOUT very VINTAGE in feel. I really loved this!
She used the die-cuts, chipboard, stamps, brads, and papers with Sweet Afternoon. Thanks Cheri for this cool inspiration!
Posted at 10:33 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Want to explore and buy digital images and themes you can't get anywhere else? Check out Cricut Craft Room™ Exclusives for the latest images needed to take your creativity to the next level. They will release brand-new images regularly for you to instantly buy and cut with. Every Cricut Craft Room™ Exclusives email will showcase exciting new creative possibilities, so that you can give every project, big or small, a spin that's entirely you.
This quick card is perfect for EASTER.
Posted at 08:53 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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I was so looking forward to yesterday. Gentry had a job interview and she came up from school. She wanted to get a Summer job. So she drove up by our home for her interview. Gentry was thrilled when they hired her on the spot. They asked her to put some clothes together as if it was for a customer. She has always had a great sense of style and is very mature for her 19 year old self.
So now she is working (in a couple of weeks) here-
If you know the store... well, I am a fan and I love that they have modest and chic clothing for any occasion. I also love that she will be home over the Summer. She LOVES BYU and is starting her program next year. She has changed her major from ART to Education. She has decided that she would like to be a teacher. I stand behind her 1,000% and KNOW that she will be a great teacher.
Zach is home for Spring break and loved that Gentry came by. We have this LITTLE problem in our home. You see...Zach HATES to get his hair cut. The problem is that he has THICK hair that grows FAST! He likes Gentry or Taylor to cut his hair. It is "his thing" and excuse not to get his hair cut. Smart boy since both the girls are not living here. He can go longer between haircuts!
I told him I was going to take photos to document his LONG and CRAZY hair.
I loved that he was so excited that Gentry came home for a few hours. He asked her if she would come back home tomorrow. Gentry laughed and said..." I do have to go to my classes, bud."
Zach was being a TOTAL joker and would not pose for photos. So of course, I told him I would take them anyway.
Yes, these real moments could possibly be GREAT photos for much laughter in the future. I love it!
Gentry offered to take him to the hair salon to get his hair cut. Seriously, he was not having it. He wanted her to cut his hair... just like he always does. So the kids head outside. It was chilly outside. I could not help but take some photos.
Call me crazy but I love documenting these moments. I love how close my kids are.
The best investment ever- both my younger boys like my girls to cut their hair.
Watching my kids grow up. They have grown so close as they grow older. I love that they have such a strong connection. I love that they like to gang up on me and make fun of me in a "loving" way. I guess that is normal. I embrace it!
Here is the NEW short haired look. Zach is now dressed for his baseball game. Shortly after, Sesil came over and hung out with McKay, Gentry and I. We laughed so hard. I love having children and I am most grateful for the opportunity to LOVE and take care of the children God gave us. Wow... it is my greatest achievement.
I am especially thankful for Sesil's friendship too. I worried about working with her and having to worry about that work/friend balance. Our developing relationship evolved into a deep and close friendship. I think at first, I kept her at a distance. Then I let down my guard and trusted her and trusted our friendship. I am so thankful that I did. I could not let a painful experience from the past keep me from opening my heart and trust again. I think we all need friends who are honest and tell you what you need to hear more than what you may want to hear. Today I am feeling so happy that she is apart of my life.
Today it is ONE WEEK away from my visit to ART INSPIRED STUDIOS. Thankful for all the students who are coming. I simply love California. I am working on some sweet treats for the students. This is my first visit to their store. If you are coming...just know how much I am looking forward to my visit.
I am also looking forward to my second event... INSPIRED JOURNEY next month. Gentry will be going with me to the event to help out. Julie Jacob will also be going to help. It is always scary to do something new. This is my first MINI event. We limited the event to only 100 students. This one is in Southern California- this makes me happy! II wanted to share a little sneak peek of my book project that I will be teaching. I used my NEW WHITE MEMORY KEEPER BINDER album to create the album. I wanted to use my new mid-release.
I hope you have a WONDERFUL Friday and a great weekend! We woke up to SNOW and it's cold. We definitely have FOUR season in Utah. Often, we go from 70's one day to snow the next...gotta love it.
Posted at 09:20 AM | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
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I love this week. Zach is playing nightly baseball games. It is his Spring Break. I love having him home with me. He found out last night that he made the Utah prospect team to go to AZ and play again this June for a week. He is excited. They even asked him to play up- 15U. They felt it was better for him to play up and it will only help him to grow and develop more. We are truly a huge baseball family!!!!
I am working like crazy with year end drill events. I will truly miss this. The year end show is the night before I head to Portugal. It will be a busy next couple of weeks. This weekend I am excited for Easter dinner with the family. Matt will graduate this month from BYU. We are excited for him and his family, but then they are moving away for the Summer. This makes me sad that they will be gone.
Now I wanted to show more projects with my mid-release.
I have to say... this line reminds me of those SWEET memories of a young child in North Carolina. The line feels like a Spring day, warm weather and sunshine to me. It has been so rewarding to see the designers LOVE the new line.
I have to say that I LOVE this layout that Sesil Cratin designed. I LOVE her attention to detail... the stitching- it is a beautiful line. I love the blue alphabet stickers in the collection. Yes, they are NEW to this line and my sticker collections. I had so many people ask for ALPHABET stickers and so I knew it was the right direction to go.
Project by Sesil Cratin- www.sesilcratin.blogspot.com
I knew Julie Jacob was going to love the softness of the line. She has such a beautiful vintage/shabby chic style.
The chipboard element sheets have all the numbers as well.
Julie Jacob- www.juliejac.typepad.com
Then I wanted to share a beautiful card. I am in love with this simple card from Jamie Harder- www.ahappyscrappyplace.blogspot.com
I think this could be the best card- simple to recreate over and over for ANY occasion.
Posted at 07:55 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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I am thrilled to announce some NEW changes within my company and the design team. Due to a wonderful growing company it has been necessary to expand in new directions. Sesil Cratin has been a huge component in our growth. It has truly been an honor and blessing to be able to work each day with her and to gain from her strong business background. She will now be the director of Social Media and Marketing as a employee. We are thrilled for her new position and have some fabulous things in the works.
With this we needed a new design team coordinator. We decided since it is so much work- we decided to have two design team coordinators- each will be equal partners with managing and directing the fabulous design team. It is with happiness that I announce Cheri Piles and Julie Jacobs as the new design team coordinators. They are both so amazing and I know you will love the changes and direction we will be going in the "creative" design areas of the company.
There is MORE. I am also thrilled to announce the ADDITION of a new TC design team member- I would like to welcome Suzanne Sergi to the team. She was a guest designer with us a few months back. We loved her work so much and asked her to join the team. So please welcome Suzanne to the Teresa Collins Design Team Family! Check out her blog here: http://www.scrappinthedetails.typepad.com/
This is a adorable tag that she created with SWEET AFTERNOON & Everyday Moments-
Here is some more DARLING cards designed by Sesil Cratin. I have to say... Sweet Afternoon is perfect for cards for ANY theme or occasion!
You can see more of Sesil's work on the design team and her personal blog at www.sesilcratin.blogspot.com.
Now it is time for the next sneak peek of the beautiful project designed by Rebecca Cross. She is the owner of PINK PAISLEE. When I saw her project visuals I was smitten with how beautiful and interactive the project is. Look at all the detail and the beautiful product that she has included in her workshop. Inspired Journey girls you are in for a treat!
I am so excited for the FIRST Inspired JOURNEY event! I am so thankful that both Rebecca Cross and Sande Krieger are teaching along side me. I have loved these two girls styles and they are amazing instructors. I knew they would be the perfect addition to the event.
Today I am filming EIGHT new segments for My CRAFT CHANNEL. My entire car is full of projects and I'm headed to the studio. Today is going to be a GREAT day.
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Hello Tuesday!!!!! I read every single one of your comments and I am thrilled that you like the colors and designs. This entire week I will be showcasing lots of projects designed with the collection.
I love to make cards now... I used to dread them. That was until I started designing and doing 6x6 double sided paper pads. I mean it just makes it so much easier! I love the shrunk down images and the scaled down icons that you can find now. Sesil Cratin loves to make cards. I think it is her favorite thing to create. She created this pretty card. I love how she stitched on the card.
I wanted to show another MEMORY KEEPER TC binder project- this was designed by Dedra Long. I am so in love with her originality and beautiful style! I love how the same binder and the same product can look completely different styles. I love this...
Look at the side view to see the dimension that Dedra used on her project. (Fabrications flower) I am so loving how she used the FABRICATIONS buttons inside of the paper for dimension too.
Love the brads attached to the page for embellishments. You & ME is die cut circles and love how she used the together. Dedra always does amazing cool stitching and adds her personality to everything that she creates. I love that she journals- she adds what is IMPORTANT to her projects.
Stamping... stamps from TCD.
Dedra Long blog-http://dedralong.blogspot.com - Go to Dedra's blog for MORE inspiration!
Next is a layout by Jamie Harder.
Jamie Harder-http://ahappyscrappyplace.blogspot.com. Jamie is such a a fabulous designer. I love her style and often hear others express that they love that they can recreate her projects. She used FOUR papers from the collection of this page, brads, chipboard and die-cuts.
The next layout is so pretty. It is designed by Julie Jacob.
I LOVED how she added RED to the pastel colors. GORGEOUS. This layout is so pretty!
Julie Jacob-http://juliejac.typepad.com. Julie loves the typewriter to journal and I love it too.
NOW.. it's time to debut SNEAK PEEKS to my second event...INSPIRED JOURNEY. It is NEXT month in Manhatten Beach, CA!!!! We are showing the projects this week. The projects are detailed and big. Each day this week- the projects are highlighted for the crafters coming. However, I wanted to share them with you too.
I teach TWO projects at this event too. This year I designed and had made a display stand. We will be building the wood display from pieces, painting, getting messy and then creating the calendar pages.
"Gypsy Journal"
Passport - Check. Airline tickets - Check. i-Pod - Check. Gypsy
Journal...??? No Gypsy is complete without a vintage-chic travel
journal that makes all their companions "oooh and awwww" every time
she pulls it out. Join Sande as she takes you on a tactile journey
where you'll create a keepsake you can record all your adventurous
moments in whether it's a trip to the grocery store or a trip around
the world.
Now if you are wondering HOW you can come to the event???? Simply email me at [email protected]. You will be put on the list
and we notify you of any openings. We are currently SOLD OUT but we have find that EVERY event we end up with a few cancelations and we fill
them from our wait list. Sometimes with it being so close to an event, we have gotten people in because they could come and fill a last
minute spot. Ginger NELSON is the most amazing event coordinator ever and she works hard to keep you updated on the event and any
available openings. We are going to have a blast!
The winner from yesterday - the entire NEW SWEET AFTERNOON release and the WHITE MEMORY KEEPER binder album is:
scrapwoman ([email protected]) has left you a comment:
The collection is another terrific example of what a truly great designer you are. When the same papers can be used by different people and each project has such a totally different look and feel is really quite a feat. I love how they can give an elegant look and feel as well as cute and happy, and as soft and simple. I am going to be experiencing two big milestones in my family this year, one being my first wedding of one of my children,and I really want to tell the story and document the occasion. Not only for them but also create a memory book for me documenting all of my feelings and experiences of this momentous milestone in my life. I think this line would work for this as well as my sister's first child(at 40)! She's having a girl and I can see sweet pink and white pages that I can create to tell her little one how welc omed she is! The memory keepers would be fantastic for both projects! Three big projects in store for me, so little time!
Please email [email protected] with your name and address. CONGRATS!!!!! Thank you EACH of you for posting so many encouraging and kind comments.
I am prepping to FILM more segments tomorrow for MY CRAFT CHANNEL.Today is all about making sure I have all my step outs done. I will be featuring more SWEET AFTERNOON tomorrow and the next Inspired JOurney project by Rebecca Cross (PINK PAISLEE). It is OVER THE TOP beautiful! HOpe you are enjoying all the visual inspiration.
Posted at 08:04 AM | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)
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Yes, it's TIME... here is SWEET AFTERNOON!!!
This line is so pretty. Yes, it is PASTEL. I knew that the prediction for Spring 2012 was a PASTEL trend. So this was right up my alley. There are so many beautiful colors in this collection- blue, creams, tans, white, pink, tan and yellow. It makes my heart swoon!!!!!
I got the papers this past week and I was feeling so creative. Here are a few projects that I created-
I made these accordion cards with the collection- papers, diecut sheets and stickers.
Yes, the FABRICATIONS fabric flowers are beautiful with this new collection!
The papers are all heavy weight and textured and make beautiful sturdy cards, books and pages.
I used my TC X Sticker Maker (XYRON) to make all my die-cut elemnts into stickers. SUPER love this!
This is a accordion card that I used all the die-cuts to decorate and it will be a nice card to give someone! I am in LOVE with the yellow in the line. If you know me personally- I am not a big fan of yellow in general. However, I found the perfect yellow and I am really loving it. It has inspired me!!!!
Now, the color that is POPPING for me is the BLUE! Yes, I know I am a major pink girl but the blue in this line is so "pretty."
I made this mini book- sized 5x7 with a recycled box. Oh, yes- I will be showing it on a segment on My Craft Channel in the next couple of weeks. Notice- the white flower paper too! I left the flowers neutral (which is lovely) but you then can ink, color, etc. if you want more constrast. These elements on the cover are the die-cut pieces. Yes, there are TWO that go with this collection. They retail for .99 cents each. I love this!!!! You can create a book at a bargain. I try hard to offer affordability in my prices so you can create and it's not so hard on the budget.
Here is a peek inside the book- I made lots of envelope pages. All the colors go well together to create a beautiful mini-book!
I hope you will love the NEW collection as much as I do. I LOVE what I am blessed to do. It is my greatest hope that my lines inspire you to live a creative life. That you feel INSPIRED to create and tell your story, decorate your home, create cards, etc. I think being creative makes me a happier person. It's so fulfilling to create something that we love. I hope you will share my blog and help me share my newest lines- thank you local scrapbook stores (online stores) for carrying my lines for me...if they don't please ask them too. That is how they know you like my products. Let the retailers know!!!! I would not be HERE today doing this if it was not for EACH of you that support my products. I am truly grateful. So I wanted to give back.
We have a very special guest artist that we asked to design with my newest release- I KNEW this line was HER!!!! Keisha Campbell has such a beautiful style and I was thrilled that she was willing to design with my new line.
I love how she used the neutral papers in the collection. I love how she used the brads (the brads come with the paper pendants too!)
Keisha thank you so much for sharing your AMAZING talent and being my SPECIAL guest designer! If you do not follow her work/blog please check her out- http://abiteast.typepad.com. Make sure you follow her blog and I know you will find so much inspiration!
I also am debuting a new MEMORY KEEPER white 3 ring binder album- this is a BEAUTIFUL project that Cheri Piles created this past weekend-
I wanted to sell a binder album that was non-themed and would allow for you to document your memories without having to bind the pages- simply punch the holes with a hole punch!
I love how Cheri used the SWEET AFTERNOON stamps and diecut elements.
This is a view of the INSIDE of her book- I love how pretty her pages are!
Cheri loves to make photo corners and she used the TC X Sticker Maker by Xyron to help in her obsession. ha!
Project by Cheri Piles (Photo of Sisters provided by: Artography By Kami
Today I am going to give away the ENTIRE complete collection to ONE LUCKY winner!!!!! You will get all the new papers, two die-cut sheets, two chipboard elements sheets, stamp sheet, sticker sheet and the NEW TC MEMORY KEEPER White three ring binder!!!!!!! If you would like to win the ENTIRE SWEET AFTERNOON collection please post on the blog. Have a great day!
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