I am fortunate that I am able to travel and teach this year. I love visiting stores and events and sharing what I love so much. I have been designing my workshops for my next several store visits. I will be going to Scrapbook Island- San Jose, CA next month and in March to EMI Scrapbooking in GA. This is the SPRING FLING workshop that I will be teaching. It is truly one of my ALL TIME fave projects. Why? It has special meaning to me to be create a memory book about Maxson and Azalea. *photos credit- Michael Sandberg.
This is my SPRING FLING WORKSHOP- a little sneak peek with my NEW CHA collection:
The album is created with thick chipboard covers. I wanted to have lots of elements of design throughout the project. I even added FABRICATIONS flowers, buttons, stamps, blingage etc. The book is 6x9".
This project is non-themed so you can do your book about anything/anyone.
I love the HAPPY colors in the book- Spring Fling is truly a collection I am LOVING to design with!
I have had so many emails about the upcoming classes and so if you are signed up for this workshop- you get a little peek at it.
I wanted to share a couple more projects today that my talented design team has created.
This layout and all the flowers are so pretty. Jamie Harder used the brads and buttons inside the flowers from the diecut and papers.
FUN... this is what this layout is about! Stacey Michaud designed this engaging layout. I love the brads, circles, butterflies with the stickers on the layout.
I will post EVERYDAY MOMENTS projects on my next blog post...the workshop that I will be teaching and some more inspiration from the design team. I am so fortunate to have such a talented design team! My design team is run by Sesil Cratin (she is not only one of my closest friends but has helped me grow TCD). All design team inquiries and interest are to be directed to sesil@teresacollinsdesigns.
The winners from FABRICATIONS are:
Please email [email protected] with your name and address. Please post in the subject line: Fabrications Blog winner. Thank you!
I thought I would do my weekly update. TODAY has now been FIVE weeks of no sugar, soda and processed foods. I have not cheated or even really been overly tempted. I write down EVERYTHING that I eat in a binder. I am eating fruit more now. I make sure that my vegetables outweigh the fruit. I feel GREAT and I take it day by day. I don't weigh myself except once a week. Yes, I have lost 20 lbs now. I also workout by doing Crossfit. I do not focus on my weight at all. I did this as a way to "feel" better. The weight loss is a very positive side effect.
Today is REGION for drill competition. This a a big deal for all drill teams. In order to go to STATE competition and compete you must place at Regions. We decorated the girls lockers yesterday. Today I am doing a special lunch for the girls with the other officiers moms. Today will be focusing on "being in the moment" with my daughter. I can't wait to see them perform. This makes me so HAPPY!!!!