This weekend holiday was full of good- actually GREAT memories. We played a lot of baseball. On the championship day today, Zach's team lost 2-1. However, they did great and it was great weather. I took the girls and Ty & Spencer to the STADIUM of FIRE on Saturday night. Each of us took our cameras. I wanted to just take lots of photos. I am a firm believer that photos are a reminder to us in the future of our memories. A snapshot will often take us back to that time and place.
I hope that my children someday will remember all the silly good times that we have had together. Gotta love McKay's silliness in this photo! She loves to do things like this.

We decided to get dinner prior to the concert. Chili's is one of our family's go to fave's. We can always find something that everyone will eat. I always get Chicken Fajitas. ha!

This is Spencer and Taylor. I met Spencer two years ago on July 4th. Taylor brought him to the Murray parade and I KNEW then that they were serious. I could tell LOVE was in the air. They had barely started to date at this point.

I have to say that I love having a photo of myself with my three girls. You know as they get older it get's harder and harder to get us all in the photo together.

I love taking photos of them together. They used to fight so much when they were younger and now they are best friends. I have to say this brings me so much joy. I know that throughout life they will be there for each other.

Ty has a special bond with his new "brother" Spencer too. He wants to hang out with him and it's so cute. At the concert, he sat by Spencer and shared his popcorn.

At this point, my kids were getting tired of all my photos. The lady behind us was smiling and could tell that I was probably a scrapbooker. Then she asked us to take her family photos. LOVE this!!!!!

Gentry is changing and growing up too fast! She is working for me this Summer as she prepares to go back for her 2nd year at Brigham Young University. She has still not decided which ART program to do since she got accepted into both that she applied too.

This is Taylor. She is going to be 21 next month. I am one SUPER blessed mother. Taylor is very protective of me. She is very similar to me. In fact, we both cried at the show. We looked over as we were singing "The Star Spangled Banner", we noticed a father wiping his eyes and crying as we stood and sang. I knew instantly he was crying probably due to tender feelings for someone who has served or is serving our country. It was tender and sweet and I was brought to tears. I tapped Taylor and she then started to cry as well. It was truly a special moment. You could feel the thankfulness in the air that was felt. The entire weekend, I focused and thought about FAMILY. FREEDOM. GOD. COUNTRY. It was on the program at the stadium and I kept thinking about it. I prayed and focused on the gratitude that I feel for these things. It is something that I feel each day.

Waiting for the concert to begin. There was 50,000 people in the stadium. It was sold out!

These two girls are complete opposite in personality. I love how close they have become since they were on drill team together.

The headliner was BRAD PAISLEY.

He was a great entertainer. He knows how to perform and get the crowd involved. This was my first time seeing him in concert. I love his music and now I'm a even bigger fan!

David did a great performance too. He sang five songs. The young girls were IN LOVE with him. They sang all his songs and he definitely had a huge fan base. He seemed so happy to be back home in Utah.
The end of the show ended with FABULOUS fireworks. It was a magical, fun and memorable day!
So much to be thankful and grateful for....I truly feel so thankful for the freedom that we have. I am thankful to be able to believe as I do and have religious freedom. I am thankful for the men and women who have and do fight to protect our great country. It is something that mere words cannot articulate the profound appreciation that I feel in my heart.
The show went by in so fast. I can't believe how we prepare for months for a show and then it has come and gone so quickly. I am happy to report that the show was great and my lines were well received. So what is next? I will be teaching and promoting the lines. I have so many things on my agenda in the next few months. Plus...it's time to start or finalize new products and collections. The cycle starts again. I will be doing several more episodes for the CRAFT CHANNEL network.
I want to show you a project that I did with the WORLD TRAVELER KITS. This line was so fun for me to design. The kits were a big hit! It comes with the kraft binder and all the papers are prepunched and designed for you. *note: added blingage to the book spine!
Booth tear down is always a mad rush. It's crazy how fast the booth is torn down compared to how long it takes to put it up. I had to leave a little early to go teach a class. It sounds like my girls, Nick and the MME boys (they were in the booth beside us) got into a little "fun time" as they waited the couple of hours for the crate to arrive. Trade shows can be so much work but a lot of fun too!!!!!
I want to thank my design team for all the beautiful projects that they created with the new lines. They inspire me with their creativity. I hope you feel the same way.
I got to teach a workout on Thursday night at:
The women were so KIND! I even had
girls who flew in to
take the workshop. I am so
to get to do this!
The store is so friendly and has
great products. The
owners served cold beverages
and brownies to the guests.
They really were so friendly
to the customers. I really
enjoyed my time with them!
I will go back....
A few more photos from
the last day at CHA-