This week is always a crazy one for me. You know getting ready to go to Chicago for the Craft & Hobby Trade Show. I have been working on samples, classes and booth stuff non-stop. This is the crunch time! I thought I would show you a few projects everyday since most of you reading my blog will not be attending the show. I hope you enjoy!
This is the FREE 12x12 Haunted Hallows layout that we will be doing at the trade show. Yes, you can make your own Haunted Hallows layout. This layout is designed by Jamie Harder. We will be doing this layout on Tuesday- the day the show begins.
One word to describe- ADORABLE!!!!
This is a little mini book that I designed with my new 8x8 chipboard covers, chipboard elements, (yes, I made them into hanging book charms), and my new trims...all from Haunted Hallows. I love Halloween and so I have so much fun with this newest collection.
I'm loving the chipboard elements!
A view of the inside of the book prior to photos!!!!
I'm in love with this altered large frame by Collette Nederhoff. Making home decor from my collections is really easy with this new line.
I am happy to say that I'm still going EVERY morning (unless I'm out of town) to my gym. I love it and today I lifted more than I've ever done. Plus now, I can finally do full body weight squats and get my bottom to touch the ground. MAJOR accomplishment! I have learned something about this boot camp experience. I have learned that WHAT YOU THINK YOU CAN DO... you do! If you think you can do it- then you will. Negative talk will get you no where. I now know that the LIMITS we put on ourselves are truly what HOLD us back. BELIEVE and it can and will happen.
Today I get to take Ty to get his 7th grade shots and RENEW my drivers license. Hmmmm... long lines I think.