Oh HOW I loved Australia!!!!
I would go back in a second. We arrived on a beautiful sunny Monday. It was in the 70's- the beginning of their Fall season. We went to Brisbane. This is the view from where we were staying. We stayed at the most beautiful home. It was on the river. We sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful view and weather. It was easier for me to adjust to going there then coming home. However, we went to bed at 8pm each night and woke up at 4am. Our body clocks did not adjust until we were ready to come home. HA!

We walked to the city for exercise. Ty and I love to take long walks. We enjoyed looking at the beautiful homes and had lunch at the local restaurants. We went to the grocery store to stock up on fruit and healthy snacks. I was determined to keep exercising and moving during my trip.

We enjoyed lunch here on Monday. We found the people to be so friendly and laid back. The prices are much higher for us there. The US dollar is not trading well currently. Anyway, we wanted to walk and experience Australia. Each day we did at least a two hour walk. Sunshine does do a soul good. Plus, Tya and I loved just talking and being together.

This is the City Cat. You can take this to go all over. It is used for transportation among various points in the city.

Ty was such a sport. I love RED and when I saw this postal box- he obliged me with a photo. Can you see our fresh fruit in the bag? Guess who forgot to bring shorts????

The event was at Print Blocks. They are a distributor of my products in Australia and New Zealand. The entire staff and owners, Simone and Andrew went ABOVE and BEYOND to make us feel welcome. They were organized and their attention to detail was noticed by all. They hosted a delicious dinner at their home for the manufactures too. My kids really loved our thank you bag that they gave us. It had Tim Tam's in them. My kids are in LOVE with the sweet treat.

This was my booth. I displayed Blingage, Posh, Sports Edition II, Notations 12x12 and Notations Album kit, Timeless and On the Edge. The retailers were so encouraging and buying lots of product. They were so sad when we sold out completely of so many of the skus. Print Blocks had to reorder (that is a GREAT thing!!!!!) and I personally talked to each store owner to know their store and how things are going for each of them. I want to support them and if I can do a better job than that is REALLY important to me.

The booth right beside mine was the TC STAMPMAKER booth (Photocentric) with Charlie. The TC Stampmaker is a HUGE hit there. Charlie demoed and educated the retailers on how wonderful the machine is. EVERY single kit sold out...a huge pallet... GONE before the show ended. The stamps you can personal and create are simply what sell the machine. PLUS, the ease in which to do it.

Charlie explaining how to create stamps-

Here is an example of what the TC Stampmaker can do- The negative was created from a JPEG image. The event was CREATIVE BLOCK so we did a stamp just for this event. Then it was made into the stamp (5 minutes)..and then the last photo is showing the stamp used- stamped on white cardstock. I love the detail. I love it!!!!!!

Classes sold out... I have never taught in Australia. I was a little nervous. I wanted to do a project that they would love and enjoy the workout. I mean WORKSHOP...it was a very fast paced 1.5 hour workshop each day. It went great and I felt a instant connection in my workshops to these beautiful ladies. I would have LOVED to have visited their stores. I thanked them for supporting my company and designs. I really appreciate how hard the scrapbook stores work to support this creative industry. They are so important to this craft. They teach classes and more. Thank you!!!!! This industry needs you and as a manufacturer it's important to let them know how much you value them.

I did make n takes for three days too with the guests. We made POSH flower pendants to wear. It was so great to really be able to TALK and LISTEN to these talented girls. I went away feeling inspired. I wish I could do the make n takes at the CHA trade shows here. It was more personal. I enjoyed this so much.

I loved making these flowers with the guests. They wore them around the event. POSH has been a great line for me. I love how girly girl it is with the vibrant pink!!!!!
Print Blocks staff, owners, and guests (international and local teachers). This was RIGHT after the show ended on Saturday evening. The guy with the BLUE clown nose is Kevin from DoCrafts (a UK based company). Ty and Kevin and I became quick friends. He is a great guy and he kept Ty entertained the entire week. I met so many wonderful girls at this event!!!!
I loved seeing all of the Kangeroos there. This field was FULL of them. They are everywhere!!!!!

There was a mix and mingle on Thursday night. This was the view from where it was held in downtown Brisbane. The city is beautiful and Ty and I got to see the Brisbane Temple while we were there.

This was our first time flying Qantas. I thought it was a great airline. I slept most of my flights to and from there. Poor Ty cannot sleep on flights. It's not a fun trip for him. He ended up watching FIVE movies on the flight home.

Ty getting ready to board for home. Can you believe he let me take so many photos? I'm a little in shock still.
Thank you Australia & Print Blocks and all the retailers who came to the event!!!!
I simply LOVED every minute. I can't wait to go back again.