These beautiful PINK TC Stamp Storage photocentric albums are now available and are shipping now!!!!
This is the NEW TC Stamp Storage holder that was debuted a couple of months ago. They are now AVAILABLE and SHIPPING!!!!!! I love the blingage on the book!!!!!
Yes, the FRAME comes with the stamp binder. This way you can label the outside of your binder as you wish. It can hold all the stamps you make with the TC Stampmaker like mine below.
You can jazz it up to display BLINGAGE on the spine if you like. I love that this can hold your stamps or can be used to create your own mini album.
TODAY we are giving ONE away! Post any comment and I will pick a winner later today!
I just got home from a long day. I went to the gym this morning and it was a I DOUBLE DARE you workout! That meant we had six really intense station to work at. If we did it correct form and did not stop we only had to do say 100 reps of lunges squats with the weights (mine is 25lbs) held above my head. If you did not do it correctly, you had to do the DOUBLE which meant 200 reps. Yes, that was me... I worked it and did not quit. However, it was intense and I was sweating so hard that the salt got in my eyes and then I could barely see. HA! I am thankful for a program that pushes me beyond what I "think" I can do.
Then I helped in my son's classroom. I about fainted when I left and Ty let me actually give him a hug!!!! I don't know if it is really cool to hug your mom in 6th grade (surrounded by your friends!). LOVE it!
I learned a big lesson today. I went to visit teach a friend today in my church. I visit her every month with another one of my friends. We actually visit four woman each month. In our church, it is considered compassionate service and making sure we are helping each other. Today as we visited Sharon, she was in bad shape. She went on a 3 week trip/cruise to Greece. What a dream trip!
Her dream trip ended up being a COMPLETE nightmare. She fell and hurt herself, got a major infection, and bronchitis. She had to leave the cruise in Athens and stay in the hospital for a week. NO visitors, no family... NOTHING. She was all alone. Can you even imagine?
As we visited today, she was a little groggy and had lost 14 lbs. She was weak and needed help. We noticed her trash bins were overflowing and so we asked if we could help her in any way. She paused. She did not want to ask for help. In fact, she had refused help earlier. Then she said, can you help in my kitchen? We were so blessed to serve her today. We cleaned her kitchen, her trash and then we could smell the kitty litter box. My friend and I both have never had cats. We had no idea what to do!
The reason why I share this is a little "self confession." I was feeling a little grumpy about the snow and rain. I even complained to Ty about how I "need" sunshine and wanted a real SPRING. I went to Sharon's today and FORGOT about my silly grumpy self and served her in such a small way. It felt so good to help her, someone in need. I realized I was being a big baby. I just need to be thankful for my health, for EVERYTHING. I needed that reminder today.
Gentry just called as I was typing this post. She got some exciting news- Gentry got into BOTH the programs she applied to at BYU- 2D Studio Arts and Art Education at BYU. We are so excited!!! She was accepted and now she has to choose which one to pursue. PLEASE if you have any thoughts or knowledge, input please feel free to email me. This past year as a Freshman, she took some art classes and the professors would choose her work to display. I knew she had a great talent, but GENTRY did not. She often felt that she was just okay. I had a long talk with her and told her that she needed to believe in herself and her talents that God has given her. I think today she REALIZED that she does indeed have a gift to nurture and develop. I LOVE YOU GENTRY... congrats!!!!!
NOW... POST any comment if you would like to win the PINK TC STAMP STORAGE binder. *retailers you can order these directly from Photocentric along with the TC Stampmakers.