I was so busy yesterday. I rushed from boot camp to go film a "infomercial" with Shannon. This was the first day of doing anything other than boot camp. I got up and went to boot camp first even though I could barely move. I honestly know that prayer is what helped me endure it. I was MORE sore than ever. I got there and we did "intense" weight training for 30 minutes. We did several rounds with the rubber (resistance bands). I have never used these before but I really love them. I realize that in only 3 workouts that my core is getting stronger.
Next, we went outside to PUSH our cardio "self." One of the trainers put me in a harness and attached to the back of my harness was a long rope that he held. I had to run and he was holding the ropes to hold me in place. I had to work hard to run as he was holding me back. It was so hard and yet the trainer kept encouraging me, "harder, harder, YOU CAN do this... don't stop...go... harder, harder, DON'T GIVE UP...GIVE IT YOUR ALL!" Well, I did. I kept telling myself, "GIVE IT YOUR ALL... BELIEVE in yourself." I worked through the pain.
I have only did this 3 days but I realize WHY this is working for me. I work best when I have something I am accountable to. The trainers are there watching and pushing you. This helps me to DO MORE! I can't just say..."Oh, I'm tired and I think I'll just work out 20 minutes today. " That is not an option here. I realize that THEY PUSH me to do things I would never have done. I am a huge fan of this type of training for ME! I realize to see results that I have ONE HOUR a day at the gym and 23 HOURS a day to decide how this will change my body and fitness level. I am still doing weight watchers and will FOREVER. It is NOT a diet but a sensible way for me to sustain my weight (or lose if I choose!). I lost 6 lbs in 3 days with boot camp. THIS IS NOT THE NORM. I know this. I think I lost more because I went from ZERO activity to extreme work outs... PLUS I am writing down everything I eat and am doing the WW program. I have "no goal" in mind. For me, it's to get in the best possible shape of my life. Hmmmm... numbers on a scale are not really a good guideline to access this. Right- you can be skinny and weigh less but be in poor shape. I am working for physical fitness, hopefully less "jiggle" and more energy. Oh, and working out is good for the SOUL. Yes, those happy good feelings of working out are the BEST!
I could not bend down yesterday and when I went to go film, I asked that I just STAND there and not have to move or bend. HA! Filming went great and I had to go buy supplies for my make n take in Orem (it's TONIGHT!). I walked in the store and felt just grateful to be able to walk- although SLOW! I am super excited for the make n take and Girl's Night Out tonight at the OREM location of Robert's Crafts from 5:00- 9:00 pm. Join us for a free make n take and a fun night out!
Last night, our family went to Zach's baseball game. It was so fun! Zach was pitching and he just loves playing. It shows and our family comes together to support him. Matt, Kayla, Maxson, Ty, Taylor and Spencer were there to cheer his team on. Zach pitched the entire game. They won 12-1. However, Zach was walked THREE times. This was bugging him I could tell. It's pretty hard on him- he is 13U now and he is often walked when he is at bat. Hmmmm.... anyway, the drive home was long with Zach feeling a little frustrated.
Okay...enjoying General Conference today! My soul is inspired. My soul needed the messages. I am grateful oh so grateful. My SOUL is happy and I am happy.
Now... time to go for my hour long walk/run. Here I go!