This morning we woke up to so much snow. Ty got up to shovel our driveway or we would not be going anywhere. It's really WHITE and beautiful here in Utah. I love how bright and beautiful it is...but driving in the snow is not something I enjoy. I got up to make lunch for Zach. I did a quick breakfast for my other son- grits (yes, my kids love them!) and noticed that McKay was racing to get ready for school. She had a 8 page report due today. She was working on it all night last night. You know the "last" night and the race to get it finished.
McKay gets to school and I get the following text:
"Mom! I have a math test today and I forgot my calculator! I'm gonna fail"- McKay
me- "What time? Where is it?"
McKay-"Like 9 15 and i'm not sure! I think in my bag"
me- "What bag?"
Ty and I go to search her MESSY room. We find it in her drill team bag.
I then proceed to find out that she had NO LUNCH money in her account or had taken a lunch. Of course, I had to hurry and take my son to school, make a lunch and meet McKay at her school.
You know... as I was driving in the SNOW (which I don't like) I just SMILED and lauged... these are the MOMENTS that I cherish the most. I love that SHE needed me and to see the look of appreciation on her face was worth it. So thankful for days like TODAY!!!!!!
In a couple hours I will stop all my "busy crazy to do lists" and go help in my son's classroom. Yes, this is what I love!
Here are a few photos from this past weekend-
Peggy created this for Renee's birthday. I really wanted to take the silver glittery wrapping paper present box. (it was empty!) I loved it!
I am so fortunate and LUCKY to see my friends again at EMI. Lisa has to be the happiest girl ever and she is a constant reminder to me of this.
This is my dear friend Shannon that works at Provo Craft. We are holding up the TC make n take that we did at the Cricut Circle Swarm. (*a 5x7 Your Story album with NEW TC Cartridge Imagine Papers and Images!!!!!!!!!!) Everyone was so excited. I have to say something about my friend. She is the REAL deal. She inspires me to be so much MORE as a person. She has really been a huge influence of good in my life. She fosters so much good in me and I am now more into cooking and accepting a meal does not have to be a 5 course meal. Shannon went to culinary school and she is an amazing cook!!!! She doesn't judge my lack of skills but has helped to "inspire" me to do more. Okay...gush gush gush... I love her!!!!!
Ha Ha... can you spot me in the background? Yes, I was signing a book. Okay... NOTATIONS is a huge success. The book kit is so for make and create in YOUR own style for YOU to tell your own story!!!!!
EMI Scrapbooking... did you see the TC display/section at the store? Okay- it was BEAUTIFUL.All the workshops this weekend SOLD OUT!!!! If you are anywhere near Cumming, GA... ROAD TRIP...worth it! Oh, and stop by CHARMING CHARLIE my new FAVE jewelry store ever!!!!!
The Cricut Circle meet up in Smyrna, GA (yes, Julia Robert's is from this town) was so FUN!!!! All the girls were so SWEET to me. I felt such a sweet welcome. I love how these cute girls store their ribbons. Look it's on a hanger!!!!!
The entire event happened because of these beautiful creative friends with Shannon. I am just fortunate to be a part of it! Oh, the things you can do with your Cricut and Imagine!!!!!!! Cindy Royal (far right) amazed me with her projects and her stitching. I got to spend some time with her and loved her. She is just real, genuine and a inspiration!
Everyone wanted to KNOW more and more. Questions about everything...and you know you can't share everything until it's TIME! I kept dodging questions. Shannon luckily was there to answer questions!!!!!
How in the world can this YOUNG beautiful girl have 19 grandchildren and 1 on the way? So excited to see her again Friday night-
Okay, thank you girls for sharing your photos with me!!!!! I really am grateful to YOU!
Now just waiting for my next text... I'm sure my kids need something and I'll happily be grateful for the reminder that I am needed.