Last night was the year end show for the MHS drill team. It is always a sad time for the girls. They are saying good bye to the Seniors and the team. So many of the cute girls cried and cried. They form such strong connections and they learn so much from many hours of practice each week. I know they have to resolve conflicts and work together even with all the different personalities and such. McKay has been Jr. Head Captain this year. She was the LUCKY girl who got to take the "large" boom box to school each day. She was in charge of all the music and cd's too. I saw her grow not only as a dancer but as a leader this year. *top row far right- McKay
It was a crazy busy day for our family yesterday. McKay had to finish her poster. I used SPORTS EDITION to help her with the titles and together we added lots of orange gems.
The family came to the house for Ty's birthday dinner. Kayla and Matt had new family photos and so we all LOVED seeing the new photos. I am especially happy to get to scrapbook the memories.
Ty was being camera shy and so Matt was trying to get him in the mood for a few birthday photos. It did not work! Ty is so not a fan of my little photo shoots.
Her Ty is blowing out his candles and Grandma Collins made the most delicious dinner. Thank you so much!!!!!! We are blessed to have her as the matriarch of our family.
Gentry came home from BYU and posed with Zach for a photo. I love that everyone was there to support Ty and McKay today. My happiest times are when everyone is home...crowded in our kitchen together.
Taylor and Spencer are doing great. Taylor has caught the "scrapbooking" fever and she is now officially a scrapbooker. She is set up with a Cricut machine, cartridges, and of course LOTS of paper, stamps and blingage from her mom. She asked to borrow my Stampmaker tonight...I think I may be in trouble!!!!!
We went 45 minutes early to get front row seats prior to McKay's team performance. We made her a LOVE sign. Yes, she was so embarrassed when she saw us holding it up. Yes, we cheered pretty loud for her.
Maxson was a big FAN of the music. He was swaying to the music and mesmerized by all the commotion. I can hardly believe he is almost 11 months old.
Here is McKay with her partner, Johnny for the group dance. This was so fun to watch the boys dancing with the girls!
Performing Military-
Pom Routine-
DANCE routine- McKay is flying in the air...
and then my camera died. Ha! Oh, thankfully Gentry took the rest of the photos from the night. It was just a wonderful day with the family.
I want to thank the entire family for coming and being together to support each other. I love you all so much!!!!!
*Utah girls- I will be at the Scrapbook Expo in Sandy Utah on Friday. I will be in the Good Things Utah Channel 4 booth at the show. I am doing make n takes and hanging out. Some of my product will be at the expo. I will post more tomorrow!