We are in PARTY mode at my house. Today and tomorrow we have so much going on. My sweet mother in law is staying with us for a few days too. Ty's birthday is tomorrow. My husband is not much for parties but he married the "wrong girl" wink- I love any opportunity to celebrate. However, over the years I have learned what he does and does not like. Ty did not like the surprise party with 50 guests that I did for his 40th birthday. I promised him to NEVER do that again. So this year, his mother wanted to make a special birthday dinner for him at our house. All of our kids will be here too. I know...FAMILY PHOTO is in order. It is so hard to get ALL of us together.
I am so looking forward to our family get together. Then as a family, we are all going to McKay's year end DRILL TEAM performance tomorrow night. I love this showcase. They perform all of their dances and some new ones. The girls all wear their formal dresses and get introduced to the audience, accompanied by their father's. It is just really a tender and sweet time. Afterwards we will head back home to have dessert. These times are my very most favorite in the world!
Tonight, we are headed to a parent drill team year end dinner and award ceremony. I have my camera and can't wait to take some photos of the girls. Now, I just need to figure out what kind of gift I could give Ty for his birthday. He is so hard since he does not like gifts. He always says, " I don't need or want anything." Hmmm... any suggestions?
Now I want to share with you the cutest party favors created with my POSH Collection.
party favor and invitation ideas by Tammy Mitchell-
I love it! I really love the vibrant PINK!!!!