Yesterday I showed how I turned regular Clipboards to BLINGAGE clipboard on Good Things Utah. I loved that as I was setting up my table for the segment, a male camera man came over to look at my setting. He told me how cool he thought they looked and his 7 year old daughter would want to make them too. He asked me where he could go to buy my Blingage. I was flattered coming from a non-crafter, AND so impressed with the desire to find a way for his young daughter to make one.
Also, on the show was the couple from the TLC show The Chocolateers. They were showing how to make chocolate bowls using balloons that had been inflated and the balloon was punctured. Then I noticed a woman walk on in the studio. She was so FIT and I thought to myself, this girl must work out all the time. She was so tiny and toned. I realized that the next guest was Kathy Smith the fitness guru/expert. I honestly have NEVER seen someone with such an amazingly "perfect" body. ha!
I came home to find that my family was visiting us. I had so many kits and projects to do, but I dropped it. Yes, I knew that family is first and I could work double time today if needed. I wanted to just spent time with Matt, Kayla and the baby. We even ended up grilling chicken on the barbeque and watching American Idol together. Kayla dated one of the guys that is a final contestant on the show. Small world!
Today I have printing my new IMAGINE papers out. I am so excited for the TC release. We named my cartridges this week and they are being produced now. Gentry is home tonight visiting from college and she is now a Cricut Imagine PRO- ha! I love having her home. She just needed FAMILY time and decided to come home. I think as much as she loves her roommates, she needed a break. Gentry LOVES college, and she especially loves her art department classes.
Well, the countdown is ON. I leave for HSN early Sunday morning. I can't wait to show the samples that have been created. I love the customization of making your OWN stamps!!!! I hope you will tune in to watch on Monday March 14th. Can't wait to go on again-