Today was a great day for McKay. Turning 16 and being able to get a driver's license. Plus, she can now start to date...double date. Although truth be told, Ty does not like the idea of her dating at all. He is very much the protective dad.This is one of the things that makes me love him so much- he really cares.
We have a tradition- I always pick up my kids from school on their birthday and take them to lunch. They get to choose and I love the one on one time with each of them. Today, McKay wanted Cafe Rio. Yes, I think my entire family is addicted. Luckily I had already went to my Weight Watcher's meeting this morning and had lost 1.4 lbs this week. I was careful to modify my salad. I think she choose Cafe Rio because she loves their dessert, Tres Leche. For me the BEST part is getting to have a heart to heart with her. She drove us home and let me tell you, it's hard to be in the passenger seat. It fact, it really scares me-ha!!!!
After lunch, we came home and I have done a few (very simple) decorations.
I wanted BRIGHT balloons because McKay loves COLOR!!!
I know a little overboard BUT you only turn 16 once!!!!
This is the special birthday plate that the birthday girl gets to use today!
I know it is silly BUT I had to put up PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY. She used to love this as a little girl.
This was not so bad considering she was blindfolded...
This is her own mini cake. The photo makes it look larger, but it's only 5 inches wide. My kids love to have their very own special mini cake. McKay loves chocolate!!!
A few of her gifts... she got a new umbrella today and it came in handy. It's raining like CRAZY here in Utah.
I took a few photos of her today. I loved the yellow jacket she was wearing. I told her she looked like SUNSHINE. The jacket so matches her personality.
Just like her blue shoes- they are so HER!
This blue is her favorite color. I knew she would LOVE this cake. I purchased a BLUE bow from the gift wrap department and added it to the top of the cake.