I am so excited to share what I designed for a TC mid-release. I wanted to do a line that I felt would be a collection of classic neutral papers with a hint of color to document your TRAVEL experiences. This brand new travel line was designed specifically to help you capture, document and journal EACH moment of the trip of your lifetime. Whether you travel around the world or just out your front door, Travel Ledger will help you record those moments. These designs will coordinate perfectly with all of your memorabilia and photos, and will enable you to record memories, create layouts and photo journals with ease.
This is a book that I made from my trip last year to France. This KIT is available with complete color visuals and instructions...a 6x12 Travel Ledger Journal Kit. (TL1417)
More visuals:
I wanted the collection to be EASY & SIMPLE for your to document your journey. Lots of TAGS!!!!
I included my favorite travel quotes and yes, I love transparencies (red clocks)... for visual interest-
It is my hope that as you document your journey's that you remember to write down your day to day thoughts. I do mine WHILE I am on my trip.
Okay, I love these red circles. I like to include travel maps, tickets and KEEP them in my scrapbooks.
I am excited for the additions of the file folders, library envelopes and tag die cut sheets. I strived to save you TIME and money as you make your keepsake album.
I love the Travel File Folder Paper with the quote. It can be used as a actual file folder page in an album or as a 12x12 layout paper.
Thanks to ALL of you for your support and helping me as a designer, mom, friend....continually GROW!!!! I am always INSPIRED by you and your emails of encouragement.
YES, YES, YES.... all of the mid-release TRAVEL LEDGER is shipping TODAY- just in time for all of your Spring and Summer trips!!!!
Travel Ledger Transparency's-
Travel Ledger File Folder Die Cut Sheet-
Travel Ledger Tag Die Cut sheet and Travel Ledger Library Card die cut sheet-
The papers are now on 80# textured cardstock
The entire collection is up on my website today, for a better look: www.teresacollinsdesigns.com
To CELEBRATE- tell me about your ALL TIME Favorite TRIP or Destination...and I will PICK THREE winners to win the BRAND NEW TC release!!!! I am excited to hear your comments-
Good LUCK!!!!