Right NOW... oh, how I look forward to this- a CREATIVE ESCAPE
I have some pretty awful things going on. I found out who the person who has been emailing me and commenting on my blog is. I decided not to post the horrible emails and accusations. I was threatened with exposure- an ACTUAL video from CHA that would be shown yesterday to the WORLD (of course doing something immoral with someone other than my husband) and expose me for what I am. Just typing it makes my stomach turn. I had enough and thanks to a friend---- who has friends in high places...well, the person was tracked by her IP address.
I went to the police department yesterday and had to face the TRUTH... this is a person that I KNOW... and it's all there in black and white. This is a very serious matter and due to legal and an ongoing investigation- I will not comment further. Get this... I knew there was no video, because I would never ever do anything like the accusations like that. I am completely madly in love with my husband and I am so MAD that anyone would try to hurt him- my BEST FRIEND and family to this extent. My heart hurts at the pain this person tried to cause the very ones I love the most. Attack me all you want- but don't come after my family. I try to protect them at all costs. I can't believe who this person is. I can't believe that I thought she was a friend. I keep reading the report over and over...thinking HOW is this possible???? How did I trust her and have no idea who she really is? I have never been so confused and hurt. I want to tell you that your comments strengthened me this weekend. I am thankful for the police department who is taking this matter seriously and helping me with peace of mind. OKAY- enough... I have to FOCUS on the GOOD... and not the LOSS...
Here is something really good-
taken directly off of Heidi Swapp's blog:
ONLY ONE MORE WEEK until we are drawing the LUCKY lottery winners for this year's Creative Escape!!
holy cow, can i just TEASE you a little...one of the teachers just
emailed me a photo of her finished project and it's SO inspiring! we
have an AWESOME line up of teachers... they are all SO different and
unique... have you taken a minute to see who we have teaching? some you
may know, some you will definitely get to know:PAM BLACK was
with us the very first year... and has been helping and behind the
scenes every other year. she is a wonderful artist and great teacher...
i am always amazed by her creativity and execution! she teaches at
Scrapbooks etc... her background is home decor, and she just oozes
great taste!TERESA COLLINS
of course is planning something SO WOW! of course she is totally over
the top and you will LOVE it.. she's been drawing from her new line of
products and has something spectacular up her sleeve! she is so sugar
sweet and super passionate, and you will leave feeling like you have a
new friend! she has an amazing capacity to reach out to people, and
is best known for her unique artwork and collage mixed media stuff...
but she also has her own line of stuido paints and artist canvas by
Ranger and does tons of teaching and educating! i have had the
opportunity to learn from her at Ranger U and love her funky style! she
is passionate about sharing techniques... you will feel like an ARTIST
as you create in her class! ( i follow her on twitter)MAGGIE HOLMES
is super talented in so many ways... and will be delighting and
inspiring us with both her passion and talent for photograhy as well as
a fun little take away project. She is so FUN and energetic! you will
love getting to know her! i can NEVER get enough photography classes...
i am always wanting to improve and learn from other people's point of
view... i can't wait to learn from her! go and look at her blog
is one that i didn't know personally, but Doug and Marti had taught on
a Cruise w/ her, and thought that she was both an amazing designer and
instructor... after we invited her to teach at CE, i had the privileged
of spending a weekend with her in Colorado at the Tattered Angels Corp.
office when we had the company Christmas party and went to see NEW
MOON!! she is a TON of fun, super sweet and an inspiring artist. you
will LOVE her! she is a blast! TERESA MCFAYDEN
is one of those people that i just look at all her creations, her work
and all the things her fingers touch, and i have been amazed and
inspired for YEARS! she has more talent and creative goodness than
should be allowed for one person! i have never worked with her, and so
i am SO looking forward to meeting her... i was DELIGHTED when she
accepted the invitation to teach..(would you believe that i was SO shy
to ask... she is one of my creative IDOLS!)JESSICA SPRAGUE...
yes... THE ONE AND ONLY... Jessica Sprague. this woman amazes me. she
inspires me and i am thrilled that we'll have her brilliance and happy
energy among us! she is SO cool. every time we get on the phone, the
minutes melt into hours and we just talk and talk and imagine. we would
never be able to keep up with our ideas, but it would be SO fun to try!
she is a BALL of energy and an absolutely phenomenal teacher. i can't
wait to see what she's got cookin!AND... little 'ole me. i am so lucky! (smile). This is the 5th year for Creative Escape...
and we are in FULL PLANNING stages! of course we must TOP last year!
(is that possible)?? and we are incorporating some totally new elements
into the experience! we have TONS of sponsors that are joining forces
with us to make this year the best ever! for the first time, we did
pre-sell about 1/3 of the spots available on the last night of last
year's event... signing up for the LOTTERY does not OBLIGATE you to the
spot. if you happen to be selected, you can choose to register you and
a guest- or just you... as people that are selected either register or
decline... we will continue to pull names and notify people with
registration codes! Once you are registered officially, you can book
your accommodations at the GORGEOUS Wild Horse Pass Sheraton.
(its soooo delux) The Lottery will begin it's first round of selections
on Feb 15th... (you can't win if you don't play)... Creative Escape is
the most amazing scrapbook event and retreat. year after year, people
are touched, filled, inspired, delighted and most of all-- it seems
that they makes friends for life. there is really something MAGICAL and
BEAUTIFUL about it! and while the Bazzill team deserves the credit for
all the crazy hard work... and we have spectacular, passionate
teachers- and INSPIRING keynote speakers! ... REALLY... it's all the
good, fabulous women who attend that make the magic! i hope you will
be there with us in 2010~
I have to say that I am very excited. I feel honored to be asked... I love Heidi and think she is one of the kindest girls I know. I admire her on not only a professional level but her HEART. I have been blessed to know her. So are you ready for a CREATIVE ESCAPE???? I am...