So I wanted to do a quick post. I have been THINKING of doing something CRAZY. I am thinking of blogging EVERY day in 2010. Yes, even if it's just a little something. I use my blog as a online journal and well- I have been thinking that I want to be a better blogger for not only me, but my family and friends. So AM I nuts to do this?
I am headed to the gym now...I gained FIVE pounds this past week!!!! I enjoyed too much chocolate and too many family dinners. So although I went to the gym all last week, I did some damage. Today I have so much to do- but HEALTH has to come first...right????
I have something to SHARE....
I am going to CHA Winter and will be teaching ONE very COOL SURPRISE class. You are hearing it first HERE today- all new TC goodness that I cannot even talk or show you NOW. However, I PROMISE it is some of my all time BEST. I am GIDDY to start sharing with you!!!! This is my
BIGGEST and BEST releases EVER....
I am doing things that I have ONLY "dreamed" about-
You should see my NEW BIGGER booth.... I am dying to share....
but PROMISE you will see posts & VIDEOS...from the SHOW...
However, SOME of you can come to THE RED BEE
on Saturday January 24th 2010 ( I think it is 6:30-7:00 pm start time!!!!!)
and make the MOST amazingly cool album project with ME and the LATEST and GREATEST TC stuff. *prizes, food...well, we got it covered!!!!!!
Sign up starting TODAY and I promise...this is going to be a PROJECT you will LOVE...more to come on this!!!! You're all invited to this come- I can't SHOW you the project but I KNOW you are going to be LOVE my newest book collections... did I mention it's like a BIG PARTY?????
Call now and join me for the fun!!!
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The Red Bee
502 East 1st Street
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 838-1200
PS... I'm so dying to share MORE.