We have very exciting news just in time to add that one special something to your holiday wish list…
It is FINALLY time to sign up for the
2010 Teresa Collins Inspiration Unlimited Event
at the Green Valley Resort & Spa in Henderson Nevada, September 24-26th 2010
and WE want YOU to join us for a weekend packed with
6 Amazing workshops
A jam packed event store
Creative Inspiration from Fabulous Teachers…
Great times with old friends and wonderful memories with new ones
and much, much more but one of the greatest things about this event besides the things listed above is the INCREDIBLE PRICE…
Ready for this…Hold on to your seat…..
The event cost is $285.00
Wait, what???? Two Hundred and Eighty Five Dollars????? Yes, YOU are reading that right….okay, accommodations & food are not included, BUT Green Valley has set up a GREAT room rate for all of us Creatively Inspired Giddy girls…
This hotel is beyond anyone's expectations! It is just simply beautiful, restaurants, spa, pool area, and of course a beautiful shopping plaza right outside the doors.....
In the past some ladies have wished to extend their adventure by arriving earlier, or staying later a few days. Green Valley has offered the same great rate for additional nights as well for everyone attending Inspiration Unlimited.
Sunday through Thursday the room rate is $75.00 per night single/double occupancy Friday and Saturday the room rate is $125.00 per single/double occupancy. The code when booking your hotel room is GCIINSP. You can register online NOW at
Do not wait until it is too late...Sign up now!
Log onto Down to Details at http://stores.downtodetails.net/ and register now.. Remember that there are a very limited amount of spaces...so do not hesitate. Do you have a question?? Please contact the IU Event Coordinator, Ginger at [email protected]We can’t wait to see you in September 2010!..
oh wait did I tell you who is teaching...
Teresa Collins Janna Wilson
Janet Hopkins
Elizabeth Kartchner
and Stephanie Ackerman!!!
and an AMAZING Key Note Speaker
run...don't walk..and go sign up...don't miss out!!!
The event sold out the past two years-