Tonight we had a dinner for the family. I took photos at the very beginning, but soon realized I needed to be IN the moment. We had Italian food, Olive Garden Salad and basically came together to celebrate the union of Spencer and Taylor. We had at least 100 people in attendance and it was so nice. It was simple and heartfelt and well....just a good time. I am so tired right now, but wanted to post the few (and I admit bad lighting) photos from tonight.
Each table had a beautiful clear vase filled with CANDY... (a bunch of different yummy kinds!)
There was clear plastic bags for all guests to visit each table and load a bag full of candy treats. This was a hit with both adults and children!!!!
Kayla was wonderful and came up early to do Taylor's makeup- practice for tomorrow. I think Kayla has a gift. She knows how to do beautiful "smokey eyes."
We had the dinner at the church. Everyone was having a nice time mingling...and chatting before it began.
Cute Spencer... oh, how lucky am I???? He is the sweetest young man and he ADORES my Taylor. Well, and he let's me take photos of him. I am so impressed with HIM and his family. He has three GORGEOUS sisters...
This is his sister, Mandy's son- Jackson. What a cutie!!!!
This is Krista and Tyler with Gentry. They are her cousins- her dad's sister- Cindy's children. I had not seen them for years until the wedding. I missed them and loved talking with them. Divorce is hard in so many ways... I remember them as babies and toddlers. Thankfully, I felt we all were united and still family.
Ty and Zach..well, they loved goofing around- enjoying talking to everyone.
The happy and oh so in love couple.
and finally Taylor and I. Like I said... I took a few photo but Taylor has many more that were taken. We were given the opportunity to talk and express thoughts. I cried... and I was just feeling emotional. It hit me hard that my mom was not there to see my daughter, her first grandchild get married but I felt so strongly that she WAS there. It was like she was right beside me, only I could not SEE her with my visual eyes. I felt her spirit and it was strong. I leaned over to Taylor and said... I feel like Grandma Beal is you feel this??? and she said...I do too!!!! Taylor's other grandparents, Bill and Mary, are serving a mission for our church in Africa right now. They were so missed- but thankful they are serving and helping others now.
So I am so done for this day...headed to bed for a early 5am rise to get ready for the wedding. Taylor is having her hair done at 5:00 am...and then makeup and the ceremony is at 9;00am. I am so thankful that Janet was at the dinner tonight. She is still in the hospital but they let her check out to come. Then she headed back to the hospital tonight...please keep her and the family in your prayers. They are letting her come to the ceremony in the morning and then she will go back to the hospital to hopefully be able to come back to the reception tomorrow night. Tonight, she came and she was in a wheelchair looking as beautiful as ever. I tell you...she is amazing. She is a fighter and she was determined to be there tonight. She planned the entire dinner and decorated and well... it was so special. THANK you Taylor family for your goodness and heart!!!!!
Countdown to the wedding....10 hours...yikes- time to get to bed.