I am home today with the family. I stayed up until 3 am working on CHA projects. I am dying to tell you what is coming out- because I think these collections will or can CHANGE why and how you DOCUMENT your life...not only YOU but YOUR family. Okay- that was a couple BIG HINTS!!!!! I am busy designing some classes that I will be teaching over in Paris FRANCE. I am very excited to teach, but worry about doing projects that are too "ENGLISH". Hope that makes sense! Anyway, as soon as I can- I will be doing previews for you to see. I only have 10 DAYS before I head for the cruise and so I'm on edge- trying to balance all of my to-do's and commitments. Tonight, we will play games, watch TV, and ring in the NEW YEAR together. I went to Albertson's yesterday (grocery store) and loaded up on some snacks and Martinelli's Apple and Cranberry (non-alcoholic) Sparkling Cider for the family. We usually do Chinese take out or pizza...but the boys are going skiing/snowboarding today and that can always change the plans.
Since, I am NOT a skier- I know, crazy- I live in UTAH and I don't ski. Well, there is two reasons why I don't. I grew up in NC and never went skiing. Once when I was sixteen, I went on a date with Jeff (nice guy!) who said "I had to try it and I would be hooked" and took me up to the ski resort. I lasted about an hour. I kept falling and he was very sweet but could tell I am not very coordinated. How in the world was I ever a cheerleader??? I admit, I lack flexibility and I get nervous. So one time skiing and all I did was fall down A LOT. Then over the years, countless friends have tried to get me to go. The second reason is this- I am always COLD. I am the girl who is always COLD and wearing jackets. I live for SPRING and SUMMER temperatures. My poor husband thinks I'm nuts but I will have blankets on the bed in the summertime.
I am looking forward to the Carribean weather and will enjoy the warmth. I choose excursions that kind of scare me- we are doing a catamarian and snorkel one ( I have my own PINK snorkel gear) that we've done the last couple of years, we are doing a stringray excursion in Cayman Islands. I know this one scares me to be out and about in the water with stringrays. Then in Jamaica- I did the dolphin/beach excursion- I've always wanted to swim and pet the dolphins but kept putting it off. So I thought- be brave and just do it!!!! I have really changed in the last year- trying to overcome the "LIMITS" that I put on MYSELF. I never thought I would have done my own company - went out on my OWN but I did it- and it's been AMAZING!!!! Then I realized that if you want something, or you have a DREAM- there is only ONE person who can make it a REALITY- and that is YOURSELF. So DREAM BIG...it just may pay off.
I have laundry calling my name and projects to be scrapbooked. HAPPY NEWS YEAR!!!!!