I decided to get my nails done yesterday. I admit, I only do my nails when I travel or for TV. I just have a hard time making the time for myself- unless I am going somewhere. Anyway, I was reading Shape and US. I know- total fluff. Both magazines had big sections on how "the celebrities" lose all this weight. I was dying when I read that Christina Aguilera has lost 40 lbs so quickly after having her baby. It said she works out over TWO hours a day PLUS toning and eats 1,700 calories. They listed all the food that they eat- and will not eat. Hmmm...they are really disciplined. What caught my attention was the fact that so many of them get "food delivered"- you know the healthy and very expensive kind to them. Wouldn't that be nice to not have to worry about cooking and clean up? Also, a personal trainer who comes to your house everyday would be motivating.
It occured to me that I want to do MORE to keep myself healthy. So I decided to start walking EVERYWHERE I possibly can. Zach had a baseball game and I had no idea the distance from our home. It ended up taking me 50 minutes to walk to his game. I made it right on time. Then when the game was over, I walked home. It was faster- only 45 minutes. Ty drove it and said it was 5.5 miles total. Anyway, I was happy that I did it. I walked 1 hour and 35 minutes- and it felt great. I love to walk and so I am going to start walking to the stores and places that I need to go too. Thank goodness for IPODS and music.
Today it is pouring rain. I am going to the school in 2.5 hours for FIELD DAY. I have no idea what we will do. I would imagine it will be inside- the school gym, but it's tiny. I'm doing snowcones! I have piano today with the girls. I get to talk to our piano teacher about the girls, their practice and how they are doing. It's great to keep the girls motivated. I MAKE my girls practice everyday. Maybe one day they will thank me?
I have lost (misplaced) my card reader. I want to share my project that I will be teaching in Chicago (july) and in California (aug). So hopefully, I will find it and you can see some images soon.