My trip to Sacramento was FANTASTIC. I always come back MOTIVATED and INSPIRED. It is such a cool thing to be able to talk to the retailers who support me and the industry. I have found some of the dearest and closest friends that I have at these events. I was able to hear about the classes and projects that they are doing with my lines. Many are actually using my lines for their NSD projects. I am THANKFUL and APPRECIATIVE. I had the best time. The event was held at Embassy Suites and Joan Mills and her Rep group are simply AMAZING. I am so impressed with how smooth the event ran.
It's always fun seeing my friends. I had no idea Jenni & Jared Bowlin were at the show too. I LOVE her! We are a lot a I love chatting with her. I am so proud of her. She does amazing products and is the SWEETEST, most down to earth- southern girl. I was able to see Tim H. & Mario again. I love them both. It was so nice having time to catch up. You could not ask for nicer people to hang around with. I always go to Tim and Mario for advice. I trust their advice and am so impressed with all that Tim is able to accomplish in the industry...(he wears a lot of hats!!!!).
Ken and Amy with Product Performers were with me. I could not be working with better people. They are truly fun, smart and know how to run their business. I greatly admire Ken and feel so thankful that we are able to work together. I have countless stores express to me how fantastic they are to order from. It's vital to offer good customer service and deliver when and how you promise. They do that and continually make my life 1,000% easier by taking care of the business end of my passion. I am free to focus on my designs. THANK YOU- Ken and Amy!!! Oh, I should say- I love Amy. She is one of those girls that YOU LOVE to hang out with.
A few of us went to Joe's Crab Shack on Monday night, and had the best time. Tim suggested that I order the barbecue crab legs. I have to say... it was the BEST! I am not a huge barbecue lover, but this was AMAZING. I hope to take Ty there soon...maybe this weekend. It was delicious. The next morning, I was able to have breakfast with Melodee Langworthy. She is so talented and sweet. Then I taught a class using my new TRAVELOGUE collection to the retailers.
You can order them NOW and
they will start shipping TOMORROW...May 1st.
You can see all the images at and if you are retailer- you can order them with Product Performers. It was great to teach a project with the papers at the show. Thank you everyone for your continued support.
I want to share some layouts today. I wish I could post them all. FYI- we are adding projects to the website gallery. So keep an eye out for your creations there too!!!!!
This is the CUTEST project designed by Lori Kaye. I LOVE it...and it reminds me that SUMMER is almost here.
This is a layout from Bangkok- by Dorcas Yam. I really loved to see the playfulness of her style. She made Journal-it so FUN!
This Bella Girl layout- mixed with the die cuts- is fantastic. It was a class, designed and taught by Claire Wheatley in the UK. She taught 130 students this layout... Love it!!!!
Another layout that I wanted to share. This is by the talented Lynda Volz. I simply LOVE it! This small image does not do it justice.
This is only one image of the most DARLING book by Heidi Sonboul. It is a mixture of journal it and damask. I was impressed with her details to document her life. Cute project Heidi!!!!
I think I may have already showed this one- but it's so cool, I didn't want to miss sharing it. Layout by Lori Renn. Love all the details!!!!
Look at this CARD! Isn't it clever???? Netty Coleman, I love it. So girlie and so cute.
Oh, I love this candy bar wrapped so beautifully in the damask paper. This is created by Suzi Finer of . It makes me want to do this too. What a nice little way to give someone a chocolate treat!
I am in BIG TIME construction land. It's crazy. I have walls gone, my hardwood floors being torn up, painting being done...and it's just a big MESS. I focus on NOT focusing on it. Ha!!!! It's keeping me busy...
Tomorrow is my crazy day. I have FOUR places that I need to be at the same time. At 6:30pm, we have DANCE lessons, Piano Performance Class, Ty's Baseball Game and Gentry and Taylors YW Medallia Recognition Dinner. They all start at the same time. I still do not know how I can pull this one off. Do you ever have days like this????
Watch for the free website class for April. I hope it will be up tomorrow, but it may be Friday. I had hoped I would have it up sooner. I am still going to do the free website class on a continual monthly basis.
Have a great day!!!!
PS Diane and Laurie (Scrapbook Territory and Scrapbook Island) have informed me that they are going start sign ups for my classes SOON. I love both these girls- and cant wait to teach at their stores in August. Laurie's car was scratched up doing Valet parking at the hotel. I felt so bad for her- hope it all worked out!!!! Claudia, I loved your project. Please email a photo- mine did not do it justice.
Stamps! yay!! I am lovin your current papers, can't wait to see this new stuff, and it comes out right before my birthday! Hehe.
Here's something I made with your bella girl papers...