This weekend has flown by. We are having a family dinner tonight at our house. Matt is coming up from college and bringing "a girl." She will be about the 4th girl that we have met now. He has been spending alot of time with her. Who knows...Alot of his friends are getting married and I "think" he is wanting a more serious relationship. I think he is still WAY too young.
We went to Lagoon yesterday. So fun, but the new ride at the amusement park WICKED...was just that WICKED and I somehow hurt my neck at the rapid speed take off. Then last night, Ty and I had a date night. We went to dinner at Chili's. I love their lettuce wraps and we watched the World Series off and on during dinner.
I have been so worried about my friends in California with all the fires. I have been thinking and praying for them. It just makes you realize what is most important in your life. I am teaching in Carlsbad CA in December on the 7th and 8th. I know so many wonderful people- who I consider my friend who have had to evacuate their home. I am praying for their families safety and look forward to seeing them each again.
So I thought- it was time to share some sneak peaks of the ROLODEX class-that I am teaching at Ever After. It is a ALL DAY WORKSHOP with lunch included. (9am-4pm) It is one of my all time fave projects. My kids WILL NOT stop looking at it. It has over 150 photos in this of my family- and they are counting how many photos they each have in the rolodex. Competition- even in my scrapbooking...crazy kids!!!!
So there it is! The WORKSHIP size is LIMITED. It is filled with techniques, and it's going to be alot of fun! I used so many mix and match products in this class, it was fun to create a special rolodex of this past year memories of my family. Time to get dinner ready!!!!
Hi Teresa - my kids love waffles. So pretty much every school morning they have waffles. We buy frozen waffles - 1 minute in the microwave and they are good to go. Sometimes my son wants his a little crunchier so we toast them.
Also carnation instant breakfast is a big hit.